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Respiratory Medicine

Welcome to the Dudley Respiratory Assessment Service (DRAS).

We are a team of consultants, specialist nurses, physiotherapists and clinical support workers providing care for patients who have a suspected or confirmed diagnosis of respiratory disease, including chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), asthma, bronchiectasis, pulmonary fibrosis and other respiratory illness. The team is supported by secretaries at both community and hospital bases.

DRAS offers both inpatient and outpatient care for the people of Dudley and surrounding areas.

7 days a week, 365 days a year.

One of the key aims of DRAS is to provide early supported discharge for selected patients admitted to hospital with an acute episode of respiratory illness. We work passionately to ensure patients and relatives are provided with expert support, advice and education to enable them to effectively manage their illness in their own home and improve their quality of life.

Other services provided:

  • Admission avoidance. We use safe and appropriate strategies to avoid admissions whenever possible.
  • Nurse-led clinics.
  • Support in consultant clinics.
  • Spirometry clinics to assist in the diagnosis of respiratory illness.
  • Interstitial lung disease clinics.
  • Asthma clinics.
  • Community multidisciplinary team meetings.
  • Facilitating hospital discharge for patients requiring oxygen.
  • Completion of COPD/asthma discharge bundles.
  • Training to healthcare providers for people with respiratory disease where necessary.
  • Liaison with the palliative care team, and support for patients and relatives who require palliative care and those experiencing deterioration in their quality of life with regard to physical, psychological, social and spiritual element of care.


  • Hospital respiratory team | Tel: 01384 244383 (internal: 3383) or bleep 7010
    Monday to Friday, 8am – 6pm | Saturday to Sunday/BH, 8am – 4pm
  • Community respiratory nursing team | Tel: 01384 244383
    Monday to Friday, 9am – 7pm | Saturday to Sunday/BH, 10am to 6pm


Home oxygen

We provide a home oxygen service to patients within and around the Dudley area who require home oxygen.  This can be for many reasons, such as:

  • To facilitate early hospital discharge.
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).
  • Interstitial lung disease (ILD).
  • Asthma.
  • Palliative.
  • OSA with or without CPAP.
  • Oxygen advice and guidance with (NIV).
  • Cluster headaches.
  • Heart failure.

New referrals should:

  • Have a confirmed diagnosis.
  • Be receiving maximum pharmacological treatment.
  • Be in a stable state (no recent antibiotics or steroids) before being sent for assessment.
  • Have rest oxygen saturations of ≤92%.

The oxygen is a drug and is prescribed following a formal assessment in clinic. If a patient is admitted into hospital and is on home oxygen, they must not be discharged and advised to alter their own oxygen flow rate. When the home oxygen company visit to service equipment, they will return the oxygen flow rate to that which is on the official prescription.


  • Monday to Friday, 9am – 5pm (answer phone outside these hours)  01384 244315



The physiologist team at the Lung Function Unit provide a large variety of diagnostic investigations for patients in Dudley and neighbouring areas. These tests are primarily respiratory with some upper GI. These can lead to diagnosis and treatment pathways. Pre-operative assessments and long term monitoring of patients is often also required.

The team work with patients of mainly adult age and strive to create a welcoming and helpful environment for all patients, visitors and staff. The investigations are carried out in purpose built areas in a private and dignified setting. The team are highly trained to offer quality patient care whilst producing a variety of accurate and reproducible results.

Spirometry is the most common test procedure performed. This is carried out in a variety of clinical settings. These include wards, respiratory outpatient clinics and within the lung function unit labs.

Inpatient spirometry tests are conducted Monday to Friday from 9am until 12noon, and should only be requested via Sunrise. If your patient requires a clinically urgent spirometry in the afternoon, please contact the department directly to discuss on ext. 3167.

All test results are available on Sunrise once the procedures are completed.

Detailed pulmonary function tests are carried out within the lung function unit labs on specialist equipment. These tests can be requested by doctors within The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust.

All tests and procedures are conducted Monday to Friday, from 8.30am until 4pm.

List of available tests are given below:

Pulmonary function tests

  • Reversibility (MDI or Nebuliser)
  • Full Pulmonary Function Tests (Flow Volume Loops, Lung Volumes by Nitrogen Washout, Single Breath Transfer Factor)
  • Whole Body Plethysmography
  • Muscle Pressures

Exercise testing

  • 6 minute walk
  • Shuttle walk
  • Bronchial lability
  • Cardio-respiratory

Other respiratory function

  • Arterial Blood Gas Sampling
  • Mannitol Challenge Testing
  • Hypoxic Inhalation Test

Gastro-intestinal tests

  • 24 Hour ambulatory pH monitoring
  • Oesophageal Manometry
  • Hydrogen Breath Testing

Sleep service

The sleep service is located within the lung function unit and involves the diagnosis; treatment and long term follow-up of patients with obstructive sleep apnoea syndrome.

This includes overnight oximetry, detailed sleep studies and the setting up of continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP) treatment, as well as yearly follow-up and continued support of patients and equipment.

GPs can refer directly for sleep assessment via the e-referral Lung Function Open Access form. All results are reviewed and reported on by a specialist respiratory/sleep consultant. Patients requiring further investigation / treatment are then seen in a consultant led clinic before being referred to the physiologist team.

Long term nebuliser service

The Lung Function Unit is responsible for the maintenance of long term nebulisers issued by DRAS at the request of a respiratory consultant to patients within the community.

This involves medical device education to patients or carers, as well as yearly exchange of the machine and supply of essential consumables.

A weekly nebuliser maintenance clinic runs within the department. We do not offer home visits.

For more information or advice, contact:

Physiologists for general enquires – 01384 456111 ext. 3167
Lead physiologist – 01384 456111 ext. 3566 – Harry Patel (



The Dudley TB Nursing Service consists of three nurses who specialise in caring for people with a diagnosis of Tuberculosis. We support the patients throughout their treatment which is six months minimum, but can be up to 12 months in some cases.

We also screen contacts to cases of TB in our nurse-led clinic at Guest Outpatient Centre on Mondays and Wednesdays.

Our clinic on Wednesday runs alongside the respiratory consultant Dr Doherty, where patients commence treatment for active or latent disease and we counsel those patients, informing them of side effects to treatment and offer support, which can be weekly home visits.

We administer BCG vaccination to those babies and adults who are eligible.

Our service accepts referrals from GPs, H/V and other health professionals. We are available to give advice and telephone consultations for anyone worried about TB in a workplace for example, however, we visit many settings and are always happy to provide any training.

If a patient is suspected of having TB, please contact the TB nurses as soon as possible on the following numbers:

  • Monday to Friday, 8.30am – 4.30pm
    Office:  01384 321395
    Mobile:  07717 815363


Lung cancer

The lung cancer specialist nursing service has four nurses who specialise in caring for people with suspected and a confirmed diagnosis of lung cancer. We support patients through their diagnostic pathway and if a diagnosis is confirmed through treatment and once treatment is completed. We work very closely with the lead clinician and nurse consultant for lung cancer, supporting patients in rapid access clinics. We also provide the same level of support for inpatients diagnosed on the wards at Russells Hall Hospital. We are a core member of the lung cancer multidisciplinary team, and act as the patients advocate and key worker. The specialist nurse role also includes the following:

  • Telephone helpline for patients and relatives.
  • Respond to email RAPA alerts informing the team that a lung cancer patient has been admitted to Russells Hall Hospital.
  • Admission avoidance where possible, and facilitating hospital discharge for patients.
  • Symptom control advice.
  • Provide nurse-led holistic needs assessment clinic.
  • Provide nurse-led palliative telephone clinic.
  • Support patients in oncology consultant clinic.
  • Liaison with the palliative care team and support for patients and relatives who require palliative care and those experiencing deterioration in their quality of life with regard to physical, psychological, social and spiritual element of care.
  • Education for health care practitioners caring for people with lung cancer.

The lung cancer team consists of:

  • Macmillan nurse consultant:  Lucia Sabel ext. 2253
  • Macmillan clinical nurse specialist:  Jade Norton ext. 2560
  • Specialist nurses: Tina Wilkinson, Gail Guy and Kim Homer ext. 2752

Patient helpline: 01384 456111 ext. 2752 (answer phone)


Asthma Service

The Specialist Asthma Team  is a team of professionals, including a Lead Clinician (Dr M Doherty), three nurses and a secretary.

We run clinics for severe and difficult asthma patients two days weekly, working patients up for regional MDT and giving treatment with biologic agents, where a patient has not responded to treatment in step 4-5 of the asthma guidelines.

The nursing team will see patients as in-reach patient, on respiratory wards, or as patients medically fit for discharge on acute units (ED /AMU/AEC).

We can plan appropriate follow up in the community via our team, organise spirometry and FENO, step patients up and down the step guidance, and ensure patients are on the right treatment plan, with appropriate follow up.

We will use an asthma care bundle (as recommended by the National Review of Asthma Death 2014) to collate information regarding the patients asthma management and symptom control, therefore ensuring patients receive the best care when they need it, and according to national guidance.

A referral can be made to the team during office hours Monday to Friday 8am until 18.30.

This can be done via Sunrise “Asthma Specialist Nurse Referral”, by bleep 5435 or by telephone Ex 3315 (

For patients who have gone home or have been seen and discharged out of hours, please email:

We endeavour to contact and see patients who have been discharged without review within 2-4 weeks.

Please note; patients who are not medically fit for discharge and require urgent review, should be referred via the appropriate consultant / SpR on call.


Respiratory Assessment Unit (RAU)

The Respiratory Assessment Unit (RAU) forms part of the Same Day Emergency Care (SDEC) pathway where, patients who are unwell with acute and chronic respiratory conditions can be treated and discharged home.  Our Nursing team comprises of speciality trained members of staff who can assess, order/perform diagnostic tests and prescribe treatment.  We have daily support of Doctors and Respiratory Consultants.

The unit is open Monday to Friday 0800 to 2030 with the last referral at 1800.

Inclusion Criteria

  • ​Over the age of 18
  • ​Known/suspected respiratory condition – COPD, Asthma, Bronchiectasis, Interstitial Lung Disease etc • Suitable for an ambulatory pathway
  • Haemodynamically stable
  • NEWS 4 or above (not including oxygen therapy) consideration on an individual basis

Exclusion criteria

  • Haemodynamically instability – NEWS >4 (not including 02 needs)
  • Patients under the age of 18
  • Infection prevention control will be taken into consideration on an individual basis
  • Not suitable for an ambulatory pathway
  • Suspected PE – (Suspected PE’s will remain in AEC as per PE pathway)
  • Reduced Mobility – (New onset)
  • Confused patients

Referral via: ext 3716, e-referral on Sunrise “SDEC – Respiratory RAU”


Tobacco Cessation Service (in-patient)

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Useful links

Patient information leaflets

Useful information

This service is available at:

  • Russells Hall Hospital
  • Corbett Hospital Outpatient Centre
  • Guest Hospital Outpatient Centre

Where to find us

  • Lung function, ground floor, Russells Hall Hospital
  • Reception, Corbett Hospital Outpatient Centre
  • Reception, Guest Hospital Outpatient Centre

Telephone numbers

  • (01384) 456111 (Switchboard)
  • Extension 3383 (Respiratory helpline)

Service details

Clinical directorate

  • Acute Specialist Medicine

Management team

  • Lewis Kidd
    Clinical director
  • Dr Manish Pagaria
    Medical service head

Nursing leads

  • Rachael Collins
  • Lisa Oseland
    Lead nurse
  • Donna Parry
    Lead nurse
  • Sarah Homfray
    Lead nurse
  • Rachelle Clark
    Lead nurse
  • Elizabeth Sadler
    Lead nurse
  • Alison Somers
    Lead nurse
  • Kal Lohia
    Lead nurse
  • Laura Van der Heule
    Lead nurse
  • Lucia Sable
    Lead nurse