I currently work in a split post as both the Macmillan SLT for Head & Neck cancer, following all those requiring my input throughout their cancer journey and also cover the acute wards including respiratory, critical care/HDU, gastro, elderly care and general medical wards. I have close links with the Head & Neck MDT (ENT and Maxillo-facial Consultants) and do a lot of joint work with the Head & Neck Clinical Nurse Specialist. My job also includes Lead SLT for both AHP led Videofluoroscopy clinic and also the FEES clinic (fibre-optic endoscopic evaluation of the swallow).
I have been working at RHH for many years now, as my job evolved from a pilot project for the Head & Neck Cancer pathway in to 0.5wte post. I have also been directly involved in the many changes and improvements within the department (for both H&N and acute) and the implementation of the instrumental swallowing assessment clinics we can offer, thanks to the support and joint workings from my SLT colleagues and peers.