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Where do anaesthetists work?

You will meet anaesthetists working in many different areas of the hospital.

  • Operating theatres All anaesthetists work in the operating theatres. Some may specialise in particular types of surgery, such as vascular, paediatrics or eye anaesthesia.
  • Intensive care medicine These anaesthetists work on an intensive care unit. They look after critically ill patients suffering from a wide range of serious illness such as severe breathing problems, kidney failure or life-threatening infections. They also look after patients who have had major surgery or after major trauma before they are well enough to be nursed on a specialist ward.
  • Obstetric anaesthesia Anaesthetists work on the labour ward providing pain relief and anaesthetics for childbirth. They also work alongside obstetric doctors in the assessment and care of women with complex medical problems during  pregnancies, or who develop complications  during pregnancy.
  • Pain specialists These anaesthetists care for patients suffering long term pain. Patients are referred to pain relief clinics where a full pain assessment is made. This may be followed by injections, specialised use of pain relief medicines and/or psychological techniques and support. The quality of life for patients with long term pain can be greatly improved.
  • Emergency care and resuscitation Anaesthetists work closely with Emergency Department (ED) doctors to look after the sickest patients as they arrive in the hospital.
This website includes text taken from the Royal College of Anaesthetists’ (RCoA) website but the RCoA has not reviewed this as a whole.