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Restraining patients

Image for Restraining patients
Restraining patients

5th January 2014 - Hot Topics

Sunday Telegraph article

‘Elderly patients and children ‘locked up’

On Sunday 5th January 2014, the Sunday Telegraph printed an article in which former head of security John Marchant claimed we unlawfully restrained patients at our hospital. We absolutely refute these claims.

The health and well being of our patients is our absolute priority and we always act in the best interests of our patients. It is our priority not to restrain patients.

To view the full response we have issued to the media, click here.

The article also incorrectly states that we were put into special measures following Sir Bruce Keogh’s review earlier this year. This is not true. The Dudley Group was one of three out of the 14 trusts investigated not to be put into special measures. We have asked the newspaper to print a correction.

To read the facts about the outcome of the Keogh Review at our hospital, click here.