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Antenatal care
Your Baby’s Movements in Pregnancy
Health in Pregnancy Support Service
Postnatal care
Birth Reflection Service
Classes and support
Maternity Outpatient Department
Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC)
Antenatal clinic
Screening – blood tests and scans
Pregnancy Day Assessment Unit (PDAU)
Specialist Services
Maternity Unit
Midwife Led Unit
Delivery Suite
Obstetric Theatre Suite
Maternity Ward
What do I need to bring?
Infant feeding
Breast feeding
Bottle feeding
Tongue Tie Assessment
Patient information leaflets
A guide to bottle feeding (Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative)
Breastfeeding and Mom2Mom Workshop
Building a happy baby: a guide for parents (Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative)
Coronavirus: Looking after yourself and your baby in pregnancy
Coronavirus: Parent information for newborn babies
Coronavirus: Planning your birth
COVID-19 vaccination information sheet and decision aid
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Arabic version)
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Chinese version)
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Polish version)
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Punjabi version)
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Romanian version)
COVID-19 vaccination: a guide on pregnancy and breastfeeding (Urdu version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Arabic version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Chinese version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Polish version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Punjabi version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Romanian version)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Tommy’s Pregnancy Hub)
Feeling your baby move is a sign that they are well (Urdu version)
Kicks Count (external link)
LabourPains – reliable information from doctors, midwives and mothers on pain relief and anaesthesia choices for your baby’s birth
Off to a best start (Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative)
What infant formula to choose (Unicef Baby Friendly Initiative)
Your guide to contraceptive choices – after you’ve had your baby (FPA)