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Call 4 Concern

Call 4 Concern is a service for inpatients and their families which allows them to ask for immediate help and advice if they feel concerned about their own or their loved one’s changing condition.

The initiative was created in response to Martha’s Rule, which you can read further information about here:

The Call 4 Concern Service is particularly important when a patient’s condition is getting worse. People can call if:

  • There are on-going concerns after speaking with the ward nurse or doctor.
  • There is a sudden noticeable change in a patient’s condition that the healthcare team hasn’t recognised.

The Critical Care Outreach team run the service and will respond quickly, assess the situation and work with our medical teams and other healthcare staff as needed.

For more information on Call4Concern, please use the following:

If you don’t have a mobile phone, you can also ask the service to bleep for you. They are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Please remember, Call 4 Concern is for urgent matters relating to a patient’s medical condition. This service cannot be used for non-medical matters – these can be addressed by an area’s matron, lead nurse or the Trust’s PALS team.