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Aged 16 and over


Medical Work Experience Programme

The Ron Grimley Undergraduate Centre has an annual Medical Work Experience programme which takes place during two consecutive weeks in June and July (students will only attend for one of these weeks). The programme allows those aspiring to be doctors the opportunity to gain an awareness of the role whilst fully immersing them in daily clinical life and obtaining a better understanding of the work involved.

Applicants must be a student in year 12 or above, and at least 16 years of age at the time the work experience takes place. They should either be attending college or higher education establishments within the Dudley area or reside in the Dudley borough.

For further information and how to apply, please click here.



Looking for a University Placement?
Please send your enquiry to including as much information as possible.



Volunteering Opportunities

The student volunteer programme provides support directly to patients in the hospital.

The minimum age for volunteering is 16 years old however there may be certain departments where you will need to be 18 years of age.  You should be able to commit to regular shifts of three to four hours per week for at least six months (minimum total 100 hours).

Please note that volunteering is not the same as work experience and there are no opportunities for observation of clinical procedures or facilities to shadow qualified members of staff. To be a successful volunteer you have to want to volunteer for the right reasons.  Volunteers dedicate themselves solely to helping our patients.  It is not appropriate to use the volunteer programme in order to enhance personal development and experience.

If you are interested in the student volunteer programme, please contact the volunteers team on 01384 456111 extension 1887 or via email for your application pack.


Pre employment programmes

We are currently working closely with our local community to provide achievable pathways into NHS careers.

We have access to NHS specific training programmes which can help prepare you for applying for NHS jobs.

This training aims to provide you with understanding NHS expectations and values, whilst working on your personal skills such as resilience, communication and managing stress.

Please see more information here.

If you are currently unemployed and feel you need support getting work ready, please contact us.