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Disclosure log

Image for Disclosure log

The FOI disclosure log provides a selection of responses to requests under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.

Information held within the Freedom of Information Disclosure log is only accurate as of the date of each response.

Search the disclosure log
FOI-012024-000567Translation – NHS Translators – costs
FOI-012024-000576Medical Devices – Oxygen Humidification devices
FOI-012024-000586Late Effects of Cancer service
FOI-012024-000593Physical assaults against hospital staff by patients and members of the public 2019 – 2023
FOI-012024-000595education and training spend, April to March 2021-2022 – April to March 2022- 2023
FOI-012024-000605Diabetes & Endocrinology Services
FOI-022024-000641IT Systems – (RIS), (PACS), (IMS – Digital Pathology) (VNA) within your Trust.
FOI-022024-000644Medical equipment Age – average – 5 years – 10 years – oldest
FOI-022024-000664Gynaecology Surgical Instruments and Consumables
FOI-022024-000673Infrastructure IT
FOI-032024-000698Data regarding Gynaecology, Urology or General Surgery – diagnostic laparoscopies
FOI-032024-000756database of trusts’ leaders
FOI-042024-000767Long Covid Services
FOI-042024-000806Job Titles and Responsibilities
FOI-052024-000844Capital Staffing
FOI-052024-000853Gynaecological Procedure
FOI-052024-000858Full Fibre Broadband
FOI-052024-000862International Recruitment
FOI-052024-000873AMU Discharges and Stays
FOI-052024-000874Agency Cover For Financial Years 23/24 and 24/25
FOI-052024-000875Tier 3 Weight Management Service
FOI-052024-000876Percentage of your income comes from private patients?
FOI-052024-000880Root Cause Analysis Reports
FOI-052024-000893Root Cause Analysis Request
FOI-052024-000896Elective Operations Cancellations
FOI-052024-000900External Contractors for Nurses
FOI-052024-000903Language Services – interpreting, translation and transcription services
FOI-052024-000906Hip Replacement Waiting List/Longest Wait Times
FOI-052024-000910RCA Reports
FOI-062024-000912RCA Report
FOI-062024-000916Oncology Breast Cancer
FOI-062024-000919Diagnostic Codes
FOI-062024-000920FOI request on biologic medicines in gastroenterology
FOI-062024-000924Use of Anaesthesia Associates
FOI-062024-000924Use of Anaesthesia Associates (AAs)
FOI-062024-000935Use of agencies, recruitment practices, future hiring, recruitment efficiency and challenges, benefits and support, and visa and immigration processes
FOI-062024-000936Number of FOIs, SARs, Complaints Received
FOI-062024-000937treatment of melanoma.
FOI-062024-000938MHPS – Maintaining High Professional Standards Framework
FOI-062024-000941Bank and Rostering
FOI-062024-000943Agency and Direct Engagement
FOI-062024-000947Roles and Responsibilities of specific job titles
FOI-062024-000948On-Framework Agency Spend
FOI-062024-000953Alleged Sexual Assaults against people aged 60 and over by staff members
FOI-062024-000954NHS staff absence rates – How many NHS staff are on leave for mental health issues and/or sickness
FOI-062024-000960Fetal Cardiac Protocol Views
FOI-062024-000964Cost Improvement Plans
FOI-062024-000965Trust Agency Spending
FOI-062024-000966Provider Financial Returns
FOI-072024-0001003Finance Software System Detail
FOI-072024-0001012Agency/Temporary Staffing and Rates of Agency Staff Used for Departments
FOI-072024-0001014Survey Tools
FOI-072024-000969Gender Reassignment and/or Transgender Guidance and Policies
FOI-072024-000970Coroners Prevention of Future Deaths Reports
FOI-072024-000971Community Dental Service
FOI-072024-000972HSJ FOI Request – Finance
FOI-072024-000979Deaths more likely than not caused by problems in care – 22-24
FOI-072024-000980Board Portal Enquiry
FOI-072024-000982Spinal Tables
FOI-072024-000983Patient Trolley Purchase/Replacement
FOI-072024-000984Pride Month 2024
FOI-072024-000994Policy Request – Personal Property
FOI-072024-000996Posology of Enoxaparin
FOI-072024-000997Capital Estate Activity in the Past 4 Years
FOI-072024-000999Implementation of FDP and Procurement of Data Platforms at NHS Trusts
FOI-122023-000526Correspondence from Stonewall or and other diversity equality and inclusion organisations
FOI-122023-000528conditions that class as ‘‘unsuitable housing’
FOI-122023-000530Hysterosalpingogram (HSG) within your trust
012756Missed out patient appointments
013152GP’s in A&E
013593IT – Information Technology
013739Breast cancer surgery
013884Agency staff
014053Agency staff
014053Agency shifts
014128Pathology contracts
014249Non disclosure agreement
014435Corbett Hospital
014730Patients discharged between 10pm and 6am
014753Baby weights
FOI-012024-000533Translation, Interpretation and language services costs
FOI-012024-000535Menopause Policy
FOI-012024-000536Rainbow Badge Accreditation Report
FOI-012024-000537Radiology Equipment
FOI-012024-000538organisation’s ICT testing practices – IT
FOI-012024-000539IT – EPR and MDI Information Request
FOI-012024-000540Borderline Personality Disorder
FOI-012024-000541Car Parks – Hospital parking charges
FOI-012024-000542AGENCY – From 1st November 2023 until 31st December 2023 how many shifts has your Trust or Health Board utilised Thornbury Nursing services
FOI-012024-000543Pest Control
FOI-012024-000544Drugs – usage of biologic and biosimilar products
FOI-012024-000545Assault Attendances to Emergency Department 2023
FOI-012024-000546Drugs – immunomodulatory medications
FOI-012024-000547Locum Recruitment Within The Emergency Department
FOI-012024-000548On & Off Framework Nursing agency usage
FOI-012024-000549IT – ITOM, ITSM and Security software questions
FOI-012024-000550The clinical fellowship programme (internationally recruited)
FOI-012024-000551Induction of Labour
FOI-012024-000552Translation and Interpretation Costs
FOI-012024-000553IPC – Blood Contamination
FOI-012024-000554HR – Workforce Solutions and Technology
FOI-012024-000555HR – Medics job planning
FOI-012024-000556HR – clinical insourcing during Jan 2023 – December 2023
FOI-012024-000557Email addresses – Divisional Directors in Medicine and Surgery
FOI-012024-000558HR – Agency Workforce Spend (Jan-Dec 2023)
FOI-012024-000559Maternity – midwifery “red flag” incidents
FOI-012024-000560HR – Agency Workforce Spend (January 1st -December 31st 2023)
FOI-012024-000561HR – E rostering – Staff bank – Agency Management – Staffing System Providers
FOI-012024-000562Pharmacy – biologic medicines in dermatology
FOI-012024-000563Strike Derogations
FOI-012024-000564HR – Workplace conduct – workplace racism – workplace racial discrimination
FOI-012024-000565Waiting Lists and Responsible Parties – Neurodevelopment Assessment: AND Psychological Therapies:
FOI-012024-000566Permanent Recruitment Spend (Jan-Dec 2023)
FOI-012024-000569Nurse Assaults
FOI-012024-000570IT – ICT Contracts – Contact Centre
FOI-012024-000571Transport Provider – Patient Journey – Spend
FOI-012024-000572Friend’s and Family Test patient survey contract
FOI-012024-000573Intra-vitreal injections or implants – administered in the four-month period from September to December 2023
FOI-012024-000574Discharge Pathways
FOI-012024-000575Viscosupplementation Injections
FOI-012024-000577Clinical Waste Contract/s
FOI-012024-000578Ophthalmology – IOLs (Intraocular lenses) – Phaco
FOI-012024-000579MRI Scanning
FOI-012024-000580Energy Management System
FOI-012024-000581usage of medicines in secondary care – (1) SACT Cancer report – (2) Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
FOI-012024-000582Treating Patients with Sodium Nitrite Poisoning
FOI-012024-000583Communications & Public Relations Spend
FOI-012024-000584Drugs – request on GCA and HS – Hidradenitis Suppurativa
FOI-012024-000587locally employed doctors we mean doctors who are not consultants, not in formal training or on a SAS
FOI-012024-000588details of Staff bank, responsible for recruiting AHP/HSS staff within your Trust.
FOI-012024-000589Merry Hill blood test centre
FOI-012024-00059024 hour waits at A&E
FOI-012024-000591Guidelines for the treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa
FOI-012024-000592Treatment with Specified Products -Metastatic Melanoma -Colorectal Cancer -Adjuvant Melanoma – BRAF mutated Lung Cancer
FOI-012024-000594Major and/or critical incidents
FOI-012024-000596Ophthalmology – Optical Biometry
FOI-012024-000597Ophthalmology – Operating Microscope
FOI-012024-000598Ophthalmology – Digital System / 3D Viewing System for the purposes of Ophthalmic Surgery
FOI-012024-000599Pharmacy, Prescribing and medicines strategy
FOI-012024-000600Details regarding the use of Physician Associates
FOI-012024-000601HR – Consultant doctors headcount/FTE
FOI-012024-000602solution to eliminate pathogens from the air and surfaces
FOI-012024-000603Contracts – Commercial Partners
FOI-012024-000606PACS and RIS system query
FOI-012024-000607Managed Equipment Services (MES)
FOI-012024-000608financial spend of agency – Nursing -HCAs -Pharmacists – Pharmacy Technicians
FOI-012024-000609Cost of interventions for non-surgical cosmetic procedures
FOI-022024-000610The number of a) sexual assaults, b) rapes and c) sexual harassment/abuse offences reported at your trust
FOI-022024-000611learning disability liaison services
FOI-022024-000612Security Patient Watch Charges
FOI-022024-000613Physician Associate Prescribing
FOI-022024-000614Ukrainian nationals have been referred to access mental health services
FOI-022024-000616Request for complaints data for a specific clinician
FOI-022024-000617Pharmacy – biologic medicines in gastroenterology
FOI-022024-000618name and email address of the person within your Trust – 1. Audiology Department 2. Ophthalmology 3. Dermatology
FOI-022024-000619alanine transaminase (ALT), aspartate transaminase (AST), alkaline phosphatase and gamma GT.
FOI-022024-000621Communication from NHS England – Patients in A&E
FOI-022024-000622Menopause – Flexible working – complaints
FOI-022024-000623Medical doctor degree apprenticeship(MDDA)
FOI-022024-000624Staff who have faced misconduct or gross misconduct
FOI-022024-000626Communications & Enquiries – Mobile phones – SIP – Team licences – Telephony – Connectivity
FOI-022024-000627Managed Equipment Services (MES) – Radiology Equipment? – Radiotherapy Equipment? – Cardiac Equipment?
FOI-022024-000628Obesity and weight management
FOI-022024-000629Amputations took place due to medical errors
FOI-022024-000630intra-vitreal treatments for any eye condition
FOI-022024-000632Food Hygiene inspection results/reports
FOI-022024-000633Ophthalmology Services
FOI-022024-000634IT Systems – PAS – EHR – patient engagement tool – task management functionality
FOI-022024-000635Post-mortem procedures related to patients with cardiac devices
FOI-022024-000636Number of Endoscopic and Ureteroscopic operations carried out
FOI-022024-000637Number of Associates physician – nursing – anaesthesia – working or have worked at the Trust
FOI-022024-000638Septic arthritis
FOI-022024-000640Children (under 18s) who have a surgical procedure cancelled or delayed
FOI-022024-000642Statistics related to the analytical accuracy of your path labs
FOI-022024-000643staffing levels on days where there was no industrial action at your Trust.
FOI-022024-000645cases of mouth cancer diagnosed at your Trust
FOI-022024-000646individuals arriving at A&E not in an ambulance
FOI-022024-000647patients who have been treated for breast cancer (any stage) in the past 3 months with the following systemic anti-cancer therapies
FOI-022024-000648Agency Spend
FOI-022024-000649Prescription CBPMs – cannabis-based medicinal products
FOI-022024-000650Permit to Work in the NHS
FOI-022024-000651Information on Cleaning Audits
FOI-022024-000652A&E – Decision-to-admit wait times
FOI-022024-000654summaries of all serious incident reports – The patient outcome was ‘death’
FOI-022024-000655Temporary Agency Staffing in 2023 – Neutral Vend NV – Master Vend MV
FOI-022024-000656Disease/Illness Statistics
FOI-022024-000657Value Licensing – Information Technology
FOI-022024-000658non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients were treated
FOI-022024-000659Medical Equipment -procedures that were cancelled by your NHS Trust due to issues with defective diagnostic
FOI-022024-000660The number of incidents where a building or an area of a building was made unsafe,
FOI-022024-000661spend on interpreting, translation and transcription services
FOI-022024-000663treatment of renal cell carcinoma and melanoma
FOI-022024-000666patients sent to an alternative provider because they exceeded the weight limit for MRI scans, CT scans or weighing scales
FOI-022024-000667ADHD Assessments
FOI-022024-000668Number of Nurse and Midwife Referrals to the Nursing and Midwifery Council
FOI-022024-000670Pathology & Pharmacy Courier / Transport Contracts
FOI-022024-000671A&E Waits
FOI-022024-000672patients who were excluded from care at your Trust
FOI-022024-000674cancer treatment wait times
FOI-022024-000675Agency Locum Spend
FOI-022024-000676Total Spend on Medical (Doctor’s only) Temporary Locums
FOI-022024-000678HR – Bank Questions
FOI-022024-000679Cell salvage equipment
FOI-022024-000680Major and Free Flap Protocol
FOI-022024-000681Patient Portal Supplier
FOI-022024-000682Immunology – diagnosis of Hidradenitis Suppurativa (HS)
FOI-022024-000683IT Spend and HIMSS Request
FOI-022024-000684Physician Associates are currently employed in your organisation
FOI-022024-000685Clinical Trials Landscape in Oncology
FOI-022024-000686External Legal Services
FOI-022024-000688Clinical In-sourcing providers – Audiology – Pathology
FOI-022024-000689Menopause Treatment – waiting list to be referred to a specialist menopause clinic?
FOI-032024-000691PAs and prescribing / ionising radiation
FOI-032024-000692policy or procedure that covers staff working remotely from abroad
FOI-032024-000693Contact Details for staff members (multiple)
FOI-032024-000694disciplinaries, including MHPS, within The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust.
FOI-032024-000695Endometriosis diagnosis rates across the UK
FOI-032024-000696Drugs – new biologic and targeted medications within dermatology and respiratory medicine
FOI-032024-000697microbiology laboratory service and blood cultures
FOI-032024-000699Procedures performed by Physician Associates
FOI-032024-000700Drugs – treatment for Myelofibrosis
FOI-032024-000701Request for HR data – CSW and Volunteers
FOI-032024-000702Spend on Agency Staff
FOI-032024-000703Patients who died in 2023 whilst waiting planned care.
FOI-032024-000704management of Estates Facilities by Summit Healthcare and contact details
FOI-032024-000705IT Contract Systems – PAS & EPR
FOI-032024-000706Request on the incidence and treatment of Colorectal Cancer
FOI-032024-000708freedom of information requests
FOI-032024-000709Physician Associate or Anaesthesia Associate Data
FOI-032024-000710Hospital Food Spend
FOI-032024-000711Take-Home Naloxone Policy
FOI-032024-000712name, email address and telephone number of the commissioner with responsibility for packages of complex home care
FOI-032024-000713Use of the NHS Intranet.
FOI-032024-000714Managed Print and Reprographic Services
FOI-032024-000715Request on Haematology and Immunoglobulin Treatments
FOI-032024-000717Nursing Off Framework Spend
FOI-032024-000718Procurement Department Contacts
FOI-032024-000719Outsourcing Imaging Equipment – MRI or CT radiology
FOI-032024-000720Non-Public Wait Lists
FOI-032024-000721Radiography – Locum
FOI-032024-000723GP Appointment Waiting Times
FOI-032024-000724How many staff have contacted the workplace for support because they have become homeless.
FOI-032024-000725Obstetric Staffing
FOI-032024-000726Radiology Information Systems (RIS)
FOI-032024-000727IT – Data Warehouse and Healthcare Data Exchange Methods
FOI-032024-000729IT Systems
FOI-032024-000730Thornbury Nursing Services
FOI-032024-000732Pathology Services – IT Systems
FOI-032024-000733Longest Cancer Waits
FOI-032024-000734Agency Supply and Ethical Business Practices – Managed Service (MSP) or MV
FOI-032024-000735International Students
FOI-032024-000736Longest Wait Time In A&E Between to Decision to Admit and Admission
FOI-032024-000737Ophthalmology Waiting Times For Treatment
FOI-032024-000739Payroll Solutions
FOI-032024-000742Sterile Services
FOI-032024-000743Inpatient private beds
FOI-032024-000745Agency – From 1st January 2024 until 10th March 2024 how many shifts has your Trust or Health Board utilised agency for in paediatrics or midwifery
FOI-032024-000747a) the average length and (b) the longest length of hospital stay In your mental health trust in each of the last 10 years.
FOI-032024-000748Orthopaedic Power Tools
FOI-032024-000749Waiting Times – Pregnancy
FOI-032024-000750maternity wards been closed to new admissions as a result of staffing or any other challenges, in each of the past 5 years.
FOI-032024-000751Maternity unit delays as a result of lack of staffing
FOI-032024-000752HR – Number of FTE Equivalent Midwives
FOI-032024-000754MRI Equipment
FOI-032024-000755Datix incidents logged involving patient misidentification
FOI-032024-000758Nursing Associates, Training Nursing Associates and Nurse Associates.
FOI-032024-000759Policy around the management of retained products of conception
FOI-032024-000760Trust Policies – Nursing Associates, Nurse Associates and Trainee Nursing Associates
FOI-032024-000761On and Off Framework Nursing Agency Usage
FOI-032024-000763Information on software used for estates and facilities management
FOI-032024-000765Incidents relating to racism and racist abuse
FOI-032024-000766incidents of racism/racist abuse
FOI-042023-0001Usage of Surface Wipes – 2 in 1 and Detergent Only wipes
FOI-042023-00010patients have been treated (for any condition) – Benralizumab-Dupilumab-Omalizumab-Reslizumab-Mepolizumab-Tezepelumab
FOI-042023-00011(PACS) policy – Image Exchange Portal (Sectra)
FOI-042023-00012Spend / Transparency data
FOI-042023-00014IT – NHS technology solutions
FOI-042023-00015Local treatment guidelines, pathways or protocols for the treatment of Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis?
FOI-042023-00016Physical assaults on staff recorded in 2021/22 and 2022/23
FOI-042023-00017Early Access to Medicines Scheme (EAMS)
FOI-042023-00018Copies of the infection control committee meeting minutes for the year 2020
FOI-042023-00019Number of registered audits/QIP/research projects
FOI-042023-0002Usage of medicines in secondary care – SACT Cancer report – Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM)
FOI-042023-00020Dermatology treatment
FOI-042023-00021Climate crisis – enabling staff to reduce their emissions through sustainable transport, and more specifically, cycling.
FOI-042023-00022Bank Spend – Agency Spend – Managed bank providers
FOI-042023-00023spend data files (over £25,000) for January and February 2023
FOI-042023-00024Care of mothers of different ethnicities and if they have died during child birth
FOI-042023-00026​Agency staff
FOI-042023-00027Agency staff
FOI-042023-00028​Sexual assault
FOI-042023-00029​Digital discharge summaries which included any of the terms “spiked”, “spike” or “spiking” 
FOI-042023-0003Off framework agency
FOI-042023-00030​​Pharmacy closures and patient numbers
FOI-042023-00031​Skin Multi Disciplinary Teams
FOI-042023-00032​Psychiatric inpatient wards
FOI-042023-00033​Frequent attenders of Emergency Departments
FOI-042023-00034​Agency staff -March 2023 ( 1st to the 31st March )
FOI-042023-00035​Cancelled, delayed or missed appointments as a result of British Medical Association strikes 
FOI-042023-00036​Sleep apnoea
FOI-042023-00037IT Systems
FOI-042023-00038Agency Midwives
FOI-042023-0004E-consent digital communications
FOI-042023-00040Agency staff
FOI-042023-00041​Angiography products
FOI-042023-00042Payments to Consultants for non contractual shifts
FOI-042023-00043Workforce Information – Consultant Workforce
FOI-042023-00044Cost Improvement Programme 2023-2024
FOI-042023-0005Off Framework framework agency spend
FOI-042023-0006Tender for healthcare waste collection and disposal services
FOI-042023-0007Agency staff – SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services for between 1st January 2023 and 1st April 2023
FOI-042023-0008IT systems
FOI-042023-0009OFF-Framework agency spend
FOI-042024-000768CAFM-Space and Facilities management
FOI-042024-000769Private Maternity Services
FOI-042024-000770Financial Details and Operations of Private Parking Arrangements For NHS Staff
FOI-042024-000771Medium to High Security Psychiatric Ward
FOI-042024-000772Physician Associate Hours
FOI-042024-000773Number of physiotherapists
FOI-042024-000774Board of Directors
FOI-042024-000775Settlement Agreements
FOI-042024-000776Minutes of committees overseeing Medical / physician Associate Professionals
FOI-042024-000777Treatment of Non-UK Nationals
FOI-042024-000778NHS Agency Workers
FOI-042024-000780Agency Staff
FOI-042024-000781Cancer Waiting Times
FOI-042024-00078265 weeks for elective treatment wait
FOI-042024-000783Translation spending
FOI-042024-000784Special Leave Policy
FOI-042024-000785Insource and Outsource Expenditure
FOI-042024-000786Transactions over £25,000 from Feb 24
FOI-042024-000788medical devices/EBME
FOI-042024-000789Asthma Drugs
FOI-042024-000790Catheter Associated Urinary Tract Infections
FOI-042024-000792Ophthalmology – Sodium Hyaluronate eye drop formulations use
FOI-042024-000793Does your organisation use Fibrin Sealants or Fibrin Glues
FOI-042024-000794digitalisation of the UK’s public sector – with a focus on committee meeting technology
FOI-042024-000795Corporate Shared Services
FOI-042024-000796Hospital admissions related to air pollution exposure
FOI-042024-000798Treatment of Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy (DMD)
FOI-042024-000799Biliary Tract and Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer Treatment
FOI-042024-000800Multiple Myeloma
FOI-042024-000801Logistics Robots in Healthcare Environment
FOI-042024-000802Radiology Information Systems (RIS)
FOI-042024-000803Temporary Staffing Workforce Systems
FOI-042024-000804Planned Care and Follow-Up Appointments
FOI-042024-000805Commercial Trials
FOI-042024-000807Acute Myeloid Leukaemia (AML)
FOI-042024-000808Allied Health Professionals and Medics Job Planning
FOI-042024-000810Usage of Medicines in Secondary Care
FOI-042024-000811Job Roles, names and email addresses and insourcing
FOI-042024-000812Spend on Office Supplies and associated Products
FOI-042024-000813Thornbury Nursing Services
FOI-042024-000814MRI and CT Contracts
FOI-042024-000815Social Media Management and Listening
FOI-042024-000816AI Service Management
FOI-042024-000819Translation Services
FOI-042024-000820Sick Day Reports
FOI-042024-000821Procured Insourced Services
FOI-042024-000822Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM)
FOI-042024-000823Pregnancy with Abortive Outcome
FOI-042024-000824Outsourced Teleradiology Reporting
FOI-042024-000826Corporate Risk Register and Policy
FOI-042024-000828Procedural Documents Relating To Urology
FOI-042024-000829Recruitment Practices and Expenditures
FOI-052023-00045​Post-mortem examinations
FOI-052023-00046Framework Agency spend for Nurses from 1st April 2022 to 31st March 2023
FOI-052023-00047“​end-of-life experiences of dying adults “
FOI-052023-00048​Patient-on-staff sexual harassment reports 2022
FOI-052023-00049Trusts Medical Examiner
FOI-052023-00050IT – Automation Accelerator Funding Programme
FOI-052023-00051parking services management arrangements in your jurisdiction (i.e. Hospital car parks):
FOI-052023-00053​Biologics in Dermatology
FOI-052023-00055Independent Royal College Reports
FOI-052023-00056​Junior Doctors strike
FOI-052023-00057Bariatric equipment
FOI-052023-00058Mental Health – Guidance regarding Consent- Confidentiality and Information Sharing
FOI-052023-00060Teleradiology provider
FOI-052023-00061Patient safety/risk management
FOI-052023-00062Names-Job Titles – Estates, Facilities, Property & Capital Works
FOI-052023-00063contact details for your Chief People Officer, Head of recruitment, international recruitment lead
FOI-052023-00064Governing body for Wordsley Hospital as at 18 July 1982
FOI-052023-00065Occupational Health
FOI-052023-00066sexual assaults were reported to the trust – 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 to date
FOI-052023-00067Adult eating disorder
FOI-052023-00068Histology services
FOI-052023-00069diagnosis of dementia – 1st April 2020 and 31st March 2023
FOI-052023-00070Facilities Management Services which includes telephony and pagers
FOI-052023-00072trust spend on ‘insourcing’ in 2019, 2021 and 2022
FOI-052023-00073NHS Charging of Overseas Visitors
FOI-052023-00074specialist PPE/Med device equipment – gloves for this Specialist area in Hospital Pharmacy
FOI-052023-00075Request for Job Role and Specialty Information, Insourcing, and Outsourcing Details
FOI-052023-00076Non-Clinical Temporary and Fixed Term Staff CCS Framework RM6160 and the new CCS Non-Clinical Staffing Framework Agreement RM6277
FOI-052023-00077“Self-administration of medication policies Parkinson’s Disease “
FOI-052023-00079Systemic anti-cancer therapy
FOI-052023-00080contact details for your Chief People Officer, Head of recruitment, International recruitment lead
FOI-052023-00081Microsoft Licencing
FOI-052023-00082Electronic paper notes/drug charts – serious incidents etc related to paper specifically eg misreading of handwritten comments/doses
FOI-052023-00083new born babies were diagnosed with myocarditis
FOI-052023-00084Patient Level Costing system (PLICS)
FOI-052023-00085Coil and Intrauterine device (IUD)
FOI-052023-00086children who attended A&E, in the financial year 2022 to 2023
FOI-052023-00087Agency staff and recruitment of international nurses
FOI-052023-00088Community Diagnostic Centre (CDC)
FOI-052023-00089Agency and off framework agency – Trusts agency nursing usage in financial year 2022-2023
FOI-052023-00090Projects that the trust has commissioned from TheValueCircle LLP
FOI-052023-00091Minutes of Board of Director Meetings and Declaration of Interests
FOI-052023-00092Mental Health Therapy
FOI-052023-00093Formularies and Committees – Medicines Management / Prescribing / Formulary Committees
FOI-052024-000831numbers of repeat Admissions for falls at Russell’s Hall hospital over the past calendar year
FOI-052024-000833ALT/AST Data
FOI-052024-000834Estates and Facilities Sector
FOI-052024-000835International Staff Recruitment
FOI-052024-000836Accounts Payable Team Capabilities and Protections Against Fraud, Errors, Duplicates and Compliance
FOI-052024-000838Urgent and Emergency Ophthalmology (Eye Care) Services
FOI-052024-000839Biologic Medicines in Dermatology
FOI-052024-000842Usage of biologic and biosimilar products
FOI-052024-000843Absorbent Continence Products
FOI-052024-000845Virtual Wards
FOI-052024-000847Teleradiology Reporting Services
FOI-052024-000848Giant Cell Arteritis
FOI-052024-000849Intra-Vitreal Injections and Implants
FOI-052024-000851Gynaecological Agency Staff and Inpatients Info
FOI-052024-000852Maternity Admissions
FOI-052024-000854Psychological Trauma-Related or Trauma-Informed Documents
FOI-052024-000855Install Base Report for Monitoring Systems
FOI-052024-000856Child Obesity Clinics
FOI-052024-000859Landline and Rotary Phones
FOI-052024-000861Dudley Leadership Conference
FOI-052024-000863Multi-Functional Devices and printing/scanning services contract(s)
FOI-052024-000865PROMS – Oncology
FOI-052024-000867EDI Policy Complaints
FOI-052024-000871Reprographics and Print Arrangements
FOI-052024-000872Auditing Info for Labs
FOI-052024-000877A&E Wait Times
FOI-052024-000878Legal Function
FOI-052024-000879Agency Breakdown
FOI-052024-000881Undergraduate Medical Education Funding
FOI-052024-000883Infected Blood
FOI-052024-000884Reporting Systems
FOI-052024-000885Total Spend on Medical (Doctor’s only) Temporary Locums (Please exclude Bank Locums) and Just external Agency Spend
FOI-052024-000886MDM Systems
FOI-052024-000887RCA Report in Relation to Nursing Care
FOI-052024-000888AHP/Therapy Agency Spend
FOI-052024-000891Agency and Bank Spend
FOI-052024-000892Roles and Responsibilities
FOI-052024-000895Agency Spend – Framework Agency spend solely for Nurses from 1st April 2023 to 1st May 2024
FOI-052024-000897Elective Operations Cancelled 21/22
FOI-052024-000898Elective Operations Cancelled 22/23
FOI-052024-000899Elective Operations Cancelled 23/24
FOI-052024-000901Decision to Admit Waiting Times
FOI-052024-000902Asbestos Related Estates
FOI-052024-000905Reporting Systems – Medical Device Integration – Enterprise Application Integration – Data Warehouse
FOI-052024-000907Clinical Coding
FOI-052024-000909Clinical Systems request – Name, provider, version
FOI-062023-000100Good Governance Institute
FOI-062023-000102children, who attended A&E with their chief complaint being mental health related, were restrained by staff
FOI-062023-000103Appropriate antibiotic prescribing for UTI in adults aged 16+
FOI-062023-000104patient equipment – specialist beds and hoists
FOI-062023-000105Interpreting and translation services
FOI-062023-000106Cyberattacks (2020-2022)
FOI-062023-000107Contact Details – Trust Director of Estate and Facilities – Trusts Director / Head of Patient Experience
FOI-062023-000108Upfront charges for non-urgent NHS healthcare treatment to overseas visitors
FOI-062023-000109Apprentice Levy Part 2 – paid into apprenticeship service accounts
FOI-062023-000110IT Contact
FOI-062023-000111Pride events
FOI-062023-000112Specification of service
FOI-062023-000113Biologic medicines in gastroenterology
FOI-062023-000114social listening
FOI-062023-000115Hospital fires
FOI-062023-000116SNOMED codes
FOI-062023-000117Patients who died while on waiting lists
FOI-062023-000118Maternity claims for compensation
FOI-062023-000120Contact details – Endoscopy Service Manager or Operations Manager – Ultrasound / Diagnostic Service manager or Operations manager
FOI-062023-000121Vitalograph Spirotrac Software
FOI-062023-000122Antibiotic Administration Set Line Flushing
FOI-062023-000123Bakri post partum balloon – Obstetrics
FOI-062023-000124Drugs & chronic migraine Drugs
FOI-062023-000125Patients detained under the Mental Health Act
FOI-062023-000126self-inflicted injury in 2019
FOI-062023-000127Ultrasound systems ownership
FOI-062023-000128Patient falls
FOI-062023-000129Myocarditis in children under 1
FOI-062023-000130Information Governance Team
FOI-062023-000131IT Systems
FOI-062023-000132Sexual misconduct
FOI-062023-000133Chemical leak incidents
FOI-062023-000134Patient care hotels
FOI-062023-000135patients who have had their operation cancelled for a second time
FOI-062023-000136Solar technology
FOI-062023-000137Cancer treatments
FOI-062023-000138Payments to PFI provider
FOI-062023-000139Health/medical records
FOI-062023-000141framework agencies for Nursing
FOI-062023-000142Patients treated with any of the following classes of drugs: anti-TNF inhibitors, JAK inhibitors, biologic medicines, biosimilars
FOI-062023-000143age of the oldest MRI & CT scanner
FOI-062023-000144Medical Equipment inc. Medical Devices;#Performance / Informatics
FOI-062023-000145medical workforce pay
FOI-062023-000146renal cell carcinoma undergone full or partial nephrectomy
FOI-062023-000147Total spend with off framework agencies for Nursing shifts between January 2023 – Present
FOI-062023-000148The trusts total temp agency spend for the financial year 22/23 broken down by Doctors, Nursing and AHP spend.
FOI-062023-000149Maternity services
FOI-062023-000150Breast cancer treatments and clinical trials
FOI-062023-000151End of support/End of life networking equipment
FOI-062023-000152Information regarding hospital discharge departments budgets/staff/external contractors
FOI-062023-000153Master vendor – Information from temporary staffing/workforce divisions
FOI-062023-000154Endocrine complaints received since December 21
FOI-062023-000155Transfusion practice around UK elective open AAA repair
FOI-062023-000156Insourcing” with the FY 22/23
FOI-062023-000157Information explaining how clinical guidelines are developed, reviewed etc
FOI-062023-000158Treatment to foreign patients supplying an EHIC card
FOI-062023-000159emergency scrotal explorations
FOI-062023-000160Thornbury Nursing Services for agency nurses
FOI-062023-000161name and email address of specific job roles
FOI-062023-000162International recruitment activity with agency providers
FOI-062023-000163General policy on the care of transgender patients or guidelines for supporting trans staff and patients
FOI-062023-000164Tier 3 Weight Management Service
FOI-062023-000165Maternity Department pain relief
FOI-062023-000166Menopause clinics
FOI-062023-000168Easting disorders/obesity
FOI-062023-000169Total Spend on Temporary Locums broken down into the following specialties – April 2022 – April 2023
FOI-062023-000170Mental health units
FOI-062023-000171ICD10 codes
FOI-062023-00094IT supplier of hardware
FOI-062023-00095Trusts agency nursing usage in financial year 2022-2023
FOI-062023-00096Apprenticeship levy funds
FOI-062023-00097Budget (Sterling) allocated for inpatient food
FOI-062023-00097Hospital trust’s total budget (Sterling) allocated for inpatient food for the years a) 2018, b) 2019, c) 2020, d) 2021, e) 2022
FOI-062023-00098high-tech – homecare medicines and services
FOI-062023-00099“Policy Request Central Alerting System (CAS) and MHRA notifications.”
FOI-062024-000911Continuous Pre-Emptive Flow Model
FOI-062024-000913Number of Procedures 2023 – Endoscopic / Ureteroscopic
FOI-062024-000915EPRR Exercise dates
FOI-062024-000918Total Number of AHPs
FOI-062024-000925Weight Loss Drugs
FOI-062024-000926T&O trauma and orthopaedic Cancelled Theatre List
FOI-062024-000927Agencies Usage To Recruit Overseas Staff
FOI-062024-000928International Recruitment
FOI-062024-000932Lung Cancer – Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
FOI-062024-000933Agency for the provision of temporary non-medical and non-clinical workers.
FOI-062024-000939Contact details request for Midwifery staff
FOI-062024-000944Cancer Treatment using Specified Products
FOI-062024-000946Collaborative and Joint Working Project
FOI-062024-000949Treatment of Renal Cell Carcinoma
FOI-062024-000952Usage of high-cost drugs in ophthalmology
FOI-062024-000955On & Off Framework Nursing Agency
FOI-062024-000958Request, Guidelines and policies for the treatment of obesity
FOI-062024-000961Weight Management Clinic
FOI-062024-000967Speech and Language
FOI-072023-000172Patient trolleys
FOI-072023-000173Multiple myeloma drugs
FOI-072023-000174HIV & PrEP drugs
FOI-072023-000175Heart attacks and strokes
FOI-072023-000176Care hotels
FOI-072023-000177Extravasation injuries.
FOI-072023-000178Product(s) used which contain Chitin/Chitosan
FOI-072023-000179Surgical Instruments Supplier
FOI-072023-000180Persons rehired by your trust after retiring
FOI-072023-000181Learning & development strategies
FOI-072023-000182Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment
FOI-072023-000184Live births, stillbirths and neonatal deaths
FOI-072023-000185Decontamination department
FOI-072023-000186STI postal test kits
FOI-072023-000187Continuous flow model for A&E
FOI-072023-000188Longest A&E waits for mental health patients
FOI-072023-000189Social media management platform
FOI-072023-000190Machine types: MRI scanner, PET scanner, CT scanner, linear accelerator (LINAC) and surgical robots (both Versius and Da Vinci).
FOI-072023-000192Maternity Unit closures
FOI-072023-000193Tests for coeliac disease
FOI-072023-000194Discharge policy
FOI-072023-000195Midwifery red flag events
FOI-072023-000196IT Infrastructure/systems
FOI-072023-000197Software used in Retinal Clinic for diabetes
FOI-072023-000198Tongue tie in babies
FOI-072023-000198Tongue tie in babies – ankyloglossia (tongue tie)
FOI-072023-000199Maintenance of your corporate estate
FOI-072023-000200IT Systems
FOI-072023-000201Long waits in A&E and longest wait to be referred to the Improving Access to Psychological Therapies (IAPT) programme
FOI-072023-000202Cancer treatments
FOI-072023-000203Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) for pregnant people
FOI-072023-000205Unlicensed aseptically prepared medicines
FOI-072023-000206List of all Laboratories within Pathology
FOI-072023-000207Hospital staff
FOI-072023-000208NHS trade invoices that were not paid within 30 days
FOI-072023-000209Cancer Drugs – Early-stage -non-metastatic or Stages 1-3 -Non-small cell lung cancer patients
FOI-072023-000210Procurement Department
FOI-072023-000211Contact details
FOI-072023-000212incidence and treatment of Colorectal Cancer
FOI-072023-000213Analysis your trust has made of the impact that industrial action
FOI-072023-000214Patient treatment options for inherited cardiac conditions
FOI-072023-000214Patient treatment options for inherited cardiac conditions
FOI-072023-000215Pregnancy and Miscarriage – EPAC
FOI-072023-000216Average vacancy numbers in May of each year from 2019, through 2023
FOI-072023-000217New biologic and targeted medications within dermatology and respiratory medicine
FOI-072023-000218Immunoglobulin Treatments – How many patients have received the following Immunoglobulin treatments
FOI-072023-000219Equality Diversity/ inclusion / Policy /strategy
FOI-072023-000220Agency and insourcing spend – April 20 – March 23
FOI-072023-000221Spend by your Trust in 2022 – Paper, Postage, Printers, Paper Scanners
FOI-072023-000223usage of medicines in secondary care – SACT Cancer report / Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring (DrPLCM) report
FOI-072023-000224visitation policies
FOI-072023-000225MRI safety incidents
FOI-072023-000226Sustainability working group or board
FOI-072023-000227Trade unions
FOI-072023-000228Operating Theatre Lights
FOI-072023-000229Cancer treatments
FOI-072023-000230Junior Doctors strike March & April 2023
FOI-072023-000231Breast Cancer screening and diagnosis
FOI-072023-000232On & off agency framework – on-framework agencies during the period 1st July 2022 until30th June 2023
FOI-072023-000233Bank & agency staff – cremation forms
FOI-072023-000234Implantable ports and access needles.
FOI-072023-000235Alzheimer’s disease
FOI-072023-000236Sexual assault
FOI-072023-000237Employment tribunal claims & NDA’s
FOI-072023-000238Agency usage for the Physiotherapy & Occupational Health departments?
FOI-072023-000239Clinical In-sourcing
FOI-072023-000240Teleradiology providers
FOI-072023-000242ITSM solutions
FOI-072024-0001000Workforce Alliance Framework Inquiry
FOI-072024-0001001Reproductive Medicine/ Sub-Fertility Clinic
FOI-072024-0001002Employees Accused of Child Sexual Abuse
FOI-072024-0001005Mouth Cancer
FOI-072024-0001006Immunology, Adult Allergy and Laboratory Immunology Workload Data
FOI-072024-0001007EPR Systems
FOI-072024-0001008Maternity Services
FOI-072024-0001011Agency Spend
FOI-072024-0001013Number of Patients Diverted to Other NHS Trusts and Reasoning of Diversion
FOI-072024-0001016Interest in Supply Chain Cybersecurity
FOI-072024-0001020Treatment of Severe Asthma
FOI-072024-0001022Relating to Risk Register
FOI-072024-000973FOI request on new biologic and targeted medications within dermatology
FOI-072024-000974Maternity Virtual Wards
FOI-072024-000975FOI request on haematology and Immunoglobulin Treatments
FOI-072024-000978Request regarding Myelofibrosis
FOI-072024-000987Request on Endometrial Cancer
FOI-072024-000990Usage of Medicines in Secondary Care
FOI-072024-000992Colorectal Cancer
FOI-072024-000993Nursing – Agency Spend
FOI-072024-000998Oncology Supplemental
FOI-082023-000184Live births, stillbirths and neonatal deaths – Follow up response 31.08.23
FOI-082023-000243Virtual wards
FOI-082023-000244Insourcing in 2022 or 2023 – Endoscopy/Gastroenterology-General Surgery-Ophthalmology-Dermatology
FOI-082023-000245Gender identity training
FOI-082023-000246How much was spent on agency staff during industrial action
FOI-082023-000247Agency nurses
FOI-082023-000248AHP staff groups within Radiology and Ultrasound departments
FOI-082023-000249Outpatient Pulmonary Rehabilitation programme.
FOI-082023-000249Pulmonary rehabilitation
FOI-082023-000250Homecare medicine services provider
FOI-082023-000251Maternity Department complaints
FOI-082023-000252Cannulas, hospital beds, clinical waste
FOI-082023-000253Agency nursing shifts have your Trust used SNG or Thornbury Nursing Services
FOI-082023-000254Collaborations with Chinese hospitals & foreign medical staff
FOI-082023-000255Radiology MRI departments on call service
FOI-082023-000256MRI/CT scanners
FOI-082023-000257Spend/Transparency data over £25,000
FOI-082023-000258HR policies
FOI-082023-000258HR policies
FOI-082023-000259Maternity training
FOI-082023-000260Maternity service – FTE funded midwife posts
FOI-082023-000261Contact details – Midwifery
FOI-082023-000262Drugs – Ruxolitinib
FOI-082023-000263Agency staff and off framework agencies – 1st – 31st July 2023
FOI-082023-000264Nursing recruitment
FOI-082023-000265Adverse reactions to Covid vaccine
FOI-082023-000266In-house prosthetic and / or orthotic services
FOI-082023-000267Cancelled cancer appointments
FOI-082023-000268Immunisation Service team/Screening and Immunisation Teams.
FOI-082023-000270Specialist patient chairs
FOI-082023-000271Spend on agency staff during industrial action
FOI-082023-000272Intraoperative Neuromonitoring Services
FOI-082023-000273E scooter accidents
FOI-082023-000273E scooter accidents
FOI-082023-000275Agency radiologists
FOI-082023-000276Complaints about senior members of staff
FOI-082023-000277Procurement department, including logistics and warehousing and other associated sub-units of the procurement and purchasing function.
FOI-082023-000278Drugs (umab)
FOI-082023-000280Contracts – names of all companies that currently have contracts with The Dudley Group NHS Foundation Trust
FOI-082023-000281DIY Dentistry
FOI-082023-000282Agency nursing – ‘agency’ or ‘framework’.
FOI-082023-000283Drugs – Start of May 2023 and the end of July 2023
FOI-082023-000284Hearing loss diagnosis in children
FOI-082023-000285Systems used to manage patient flow
FOI-082023-000286Treatment of dermatological conditions in the UK
FOI-082023-000287Patient warming/cooling/ targeted temperature management systems
FOI-082023-000288Drugs – Pembrolizumab is used in the treatment of Melanoma.
FOI-082023-000290Neurologists – UK neurology workforce
FOI-082023-000291IT Systems – Data Recovery – Back up
FOI-082023-000292Temporary Agency Staffing in Financial Year 2022/2023 -Neutral Vend (NV) or Master Vend (MV) Agency Supplier:
FOI-082023-000293request on strikes and trusts’ use of the BMA rate card
FOI-082023-000294Cancer – Longest Wait
FOI-082023-000295Pregnant women that waited over 24 hours for their labour to be induced
FOI-082023-000296Emergency general surgery operations broken down by: Open, laparoscopic and robotic
FOI-082023-000297CQUIN published data for lower limb ulcers
FOI-082023-000298ICD-10 codes
FOI-082023-000299Highest amount paid to an agency or individual to cover a shift during junior doctor strike action
FOI-082023-000300Stonewall Diversity Champions
FOI-082023-000301Respiratory Diagnostic Equipment
FOI-082023-000302Diversity, equity or inclusion roles
FOI-082023-000303Business rates mitigation and appeals
FOI-082024-0001024Electronic Document Management System
FOI-082024-0001025CNIO and CMIO Roles Within The Trust
FOI-082024-0001027CHP (Combined Heat and Power)
FOI-082024-0001029Board Portals
FOI-082024-0001031Radiology Information System Framework
FOI-082024-0001032Staff Uniform Policy
FOI-082024-0001034Surrogacy Policy and Process
FOI-082024-0001035Agency Spending
FOI-082024-0001036Maternity Services Staffing Figures
FOI-082024-0001038Off Framework Agency Spend For The Last 6 Months
FOI-082024-0001042Physician Associate Scope of Practice
FOI-082024-0001045Physician Associate Doctor Shifts
FOI-082024-0001046LIMS and Digital Pathology Information
FOI-082024-0001053Menopause Services
FOI-082024-0001054Details of Current Provider Annual Spend and Trust Contract Owner – MSP / MV recruitment solution across your trust
FOI-082024-0001060Migraine Treatment
FOI-082024-0001062Double and Triple Lock Process
FOI-082024-0001065Unison Childcare
FOI-082024-0001070Hospital Parking
FOI-082024-0001073Clinical Temporary Nursing Agency Recruitment
FOI-082024-0001073Clinical Temporary Nursing Agency Recruitment
FOI-082024-0001077Access Control Maintenance Contract Information
FOI-082024-0001081Trust spend on security and figures of attacks/assaults on staff
FOI-092023-000304Apomorphine products for the treatment of patients with Parkinson’s disease
FOI-092023-000305Alzheimer’s tests
FOI-092023-000306Waiting times in A&E
FOI-092023-000307Agency staff management – master vendor (MV) or neutral vendor (NV)
FOI-092023-000308 - Part 1IT Systems
FOI-092023-000309Employment tribunal
FOI-092023-000310Locum and agency doctors during strike action
FOI-092023-000311Agency spend and staffing leads
FOI-092023-000312Staff bank Groups
FOI-092023-000313Pathology Services
FOI-092023-000314Biologic and biosimilar products within Rheumatology.
FOI-092023-000315Vehicles on fleet list
FOI-092023-000316Training in informed consent for doctors
FOI-092023-000318IT Systems
FOI-092023-000319Dermatology drugs
FOI-092023-000320outpatient pharmacy
FOI-092023-000322Nurses recruited from Ghana
FOI-092023-000323How many of your operating rooms have RAAC
FOI-092023-000324Hyper Acute Stroke Unit status (HASU)
FOI-092023-000325Agency spend
FOI-092023-000326Friends & Family Test
FOI-092023-000327Agency and bank staff and waiting list initiative
FOI-092023-000328Hysteroscopy inpatient and outpatient pathways
FOI-092023-000329Intra-vitreal injections or implants
FOI-092023-000330Can patients access their test results digitally?
FOI-092023-000331Patient Safety Incidents
FOI-092023-000332Complaints and medical negligence claims
FOI-092023-000333Drugs for breast cancer
FOI-092023-000334Colonoscopy and sigmoidoscopy referrals
FOI-092023-000335Treatment of Hidradenitis Suppurativa
FOI-092023-000336Sickness absence at the Trust
FOI-092023-000337FOI requests
FOI-092023-000338Web filtering / proxy contract
FOI-092023-000339Structures – Finance – Procurement – Estates
FOI-092023-000340E-mail usage – primary IT system for Trust e-mail
FOI-092023-000341Outsourced radiology reporting
FOI-092023-000342Mobile phones
FOI-092023-000343Spinal operations
FOI-092023-000344IT Systems – Electronic Health Record
FOI-092023-000345Contracts register
FOI-092023-000346IT & Informatics Systems
FOI-092023-000347Spend on the procurement of goods and services
FOI-092023-000348Employment tribunals
FOI-092023-000349Private patients
FOI-092023-000351Diversity and Inclusion
FOI-092023-000352Policies that include information on the checking of medicines when they are being administered to patients
FOI-092023-000353Mobile phones – SIP Trunking – Team Licences – Telephony
FOI-092023-000354Rota software
FOI-092023-000355Adults who hoard in their home?
FOI-092023-000356Off framework agencies and Thornbury Nursing Agency
FOI-092023-000357Contact details – Information Governance Department
FOI-092023-000358Contact Details Trust wide
FOI-092023-000359Agency and off framework
FOI-092023-000360Reasonable adjustments for patients with disabilities
FOI-102023-000361Bariatric surgery
FOI-102023-000362contact for your estate/facilities manager
FOI-102023-000363Off framework agency
FOI-102023-000364Emergency maintenance
FOI-102023-000365International recruitment
FOI-102023-000366Intra-vitreal treatments
FOI-102023-000367Chief Executive Officers
FOI-102023-000369Locked rehabilitation
FOI-102023-000370Cancelled maternity unit appointments
FOI-102023-000371Biologic medicines in gastroenterology
FOI-102023-000372Cancer treatment/drugs
FOI-102023-000373Human growth hormone
FOI-102023-000374Cancelled cancer operations
FOI-102023-000375Office and building cleaning
FOI-102023-000377Lung cancer drugs
FOI-102023-000378Hospital Beds – Total and broken down by location
FOI-102023-000379Money spent by your trust on NHS strike cover, over doctor strike periods.
FOI-102023-00038funding and delivery of Botox and anti-CGRP monoclonal antibody treatments (Ajovy, Aimovig, Emgality, Vyepti, Vydura & Aquipta) for migraine
FOI-102023-000381Nursing framework/agency
FOI-102023-000382Physician Associates and Anaesthesia Associates working in the Trust
FOI-102023-000384Electronic Patients Records System
FOI-102023-000385Renal cell carcinoma
FOI-102023-000386IT – EPR – Integration platforms – digital priorities
FOI-102023-000387Agency plans & financial plans
FOI-102023-000388Triaging of Paediatric Referrals in 2010/11
FOI-102023-000389Blood Cultures
FOI-102023-000391Treatment for breast cancer
FOI-102023-000392Problems with Electronic Patient Records (EPR)
FOI-102023-000393Insomnia treatment
FOI-102023-000394E-job planning & Community scheduling systems
FOI-102023-000395Recording of sexual safety incidents
FOI-102023-000396SACT Cancer report & Drug Patient Level Contract Monitoring
FOI-102023-000397Cyber security
FOI-102023-000398Waiting list for a cancer diagnostic test
FOI-102023-000399Rickets and scurvy
FOI-102023-000400Patients currently on the endoscopy waiting list with suspected Inflammatory Bowel Disease
FOI-102023-000401Treatment guidelines for insomnia
FOI-102023-000402Onset Stills Disease
FOI-102023-000403Waiting list for knee replacement
FOI-102023-000404Management of lymphoedema, chronic oedema and wound care
FOI-102023-000405IT Systems/Digital strategy
FOI-102023-000406IT systems – LAN,Core & Edge refresh
FOI-102023-000407Non clinical staff are earning over £50,000
FOI-102023-000408Sepsis screening
FOI-102023-000409Salary sacrifice scheme for a car
FOI-102023-000410ICB Contact details
FOI-102023-000412Paediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections
FOI-102023-000413Giant cell arteritis
FOI-102023-000414Victims of sexual assault
FOI-102023-000416Bank workers
FOI-102023-000417Reinforced autoclaved aerated concrete (RAAC)
FOI-102023-000418Spend on gift cards and gift vouchers
FOI-102023-000420Cancelled appointments – How many appointments are missed by people not being able to park?
FOI-102023-000421Lower limb wound care
FOI-102023-000422Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
FOI-102023-000423number of gypsies (Ethnicity category White British Other 1K) , admitted to hospital between 2016 and 2022 inclusive with: Ulcerative colitis – Crohn’s disease
FOI-102023-000424Birth data
FOI-102023-000425Wound dressings
FOI-102023-000426Capital spend
FOI-112023-000427bronchiectasis pathway
FOI-112023-000428Pressure sores
FOI-112023-000429Expectant mothers
FOI-112023-000430Bank staff
FOI-112023-000431Agency staff – frameworks and off frameworks
FOI-112023-000433Net budget surplus or deficit in. Pest control
FOI-112023-000434Endoscopy Unit
FOI-112023-000435Immunoglobulin treatments
FOI-112023-000436Acute myeloid leukaemia
FOI-112023-000438Medication errors. Pharmacy provision.
FOI-112023-000440Patient Group Directions (PGDs)
FOI-112023-000441Patient Safety reports
FOI-112023-000443Translation services
FOI-112023-000444Continence pads and containment products
FOI-112023-000445A&E waits, A&E deaths, tooth decay
FOI-112023-000446Gastric and gastro-oesophageal junction cancer
FOI-112023-000447Breast Imaging, Theatres and Pathology Laboratory
FOI-112023-000448audits and quality improvement projects started within the urology and general surgical department
FOI-112023-000449MRI scans
FOI-112023-000450E-mail address – undergraduate medical education?
FOI-112023-000451Operating theatres, scans – elective theatres at the weekend.
FOI-112023-000452Mechanical thrombectomy services
FOI-112023-000453Digital job roles. CCIO & CNIO Job roles.
FOI-112023-000454Admitted episodes with a procedure and (ii) Outpatient attendances with a procedure
FOI-112023-000455Transgender patients
FOI-112023-000456Home phototherapy systems
FOI-112023-000458Average number of (i) doctors and (ii) nurses who were at work in your trust
FOI-112023-000460Bed cleaning
FOI-112023-000461Cancer treatment/appointments
FOI-112023-000462Physician Associates (PAs)
FOI-112023-000463Mental health patients who were sectioned
FOI-112023-000464Wheelchair Services – Motor Neurone Disease prioritised in your services
FOI-112023-000465Waste Contracts
FOI-112023-000466trends in cancer treatments across the UK – Bladder Cancer
FOI-112023-000468Trust staff religious beliefs training
FOI-112023-000469incidence and treatment of Colorectal Cancer
FOI-112023-000470self-management in MSK (Musculoskeletal) – Women’s Pelvic Health
FOI-112023-000471Respiratory Medicine and Dermatology drugs
FOI-112023-000472Imaging systems & Ultrasound devices
FOI-112023-000473Complaints that a trans woman inpatient was being cared for in the same ward as the complainant?
FOI-112023-000474Rostering solution
FOI-112023-000475Organisational Structure
FOI-112023-000476Translation costs
FOI-112023-000478AER machines
FOI-112023-000479Contact details – Estates, Property, CAFM, Finance and Facilities
FOI-112023-000480Staff working remotely outside of the UK
FOI-112023-000481Laser Systems – A.R.C. Laser
FOI-112023-000482Mortuary Temperature Monitoring
FOI-122023-000483IT Systems
FOI-122023-000484Posters paid for by the trust
FOI-122023-000485Nurses on long term sick
FOI-122023-000487Intravitreal injections
FOI-122023-000488Weight management service and diabetes service
FOI-122023-000489Midlines and catheters
FOI-122023-000490Gender options you list on patient forms.
FOI-122023-000491Agency use and spend Physiotherapy and Occupational Therapy locums
FOI-122023-000492Waiting list and patient Initiated Digital Mutual Aid System (PIDMAS).
FOI-122023-000493Drugs – Adult Onset Stills Disease (AODS)
FOI-122023-000494Sexual abuse and/or sexual violence.
FOI-122023-000495Postural Tachycardia Syndrome PoTS
FOI-122023-000497Software system for radiation
FOI-122023-000498Clinical incidents
FOI-122023-000500Unlicensed medicine expenditure
FOI-122023-000501patients who have died while on your NHS waiting list
FOI-122023-000502Patients who have left A&E before being seen
FOI-122023-000503Surgical and equipment drape usage in the theatre departments
FOI-122023-000504NHS debt – asylum seekers
FOI-122023-000506Asthma Drugs
FOI-122023-000508Fungal infections – drugs and diagnosis
FOI-122023-000509Leukaemia Care
FOI-122023-000510Surgery procedures for gynaecology, Colorectal/General, plastics and ENT
FOI-122023-000511Patient falls in the emergency department
FOI-122023-000512Discharge Timeframes
FOI-122023-000513Ophthalmology income and activity
FOI-122023-000514Speech and Language Therapy Waiting Lists
FOI-122023-000515operational activity in real-time in line with Operational Pressures Escalation Levels (OPEL) Framework 2023/24
FOI-122023-000516hospitals within your NHS trust – Inpatient wards and beds
FOI-122023-000517temporary staff within Allied Health Professionals (AHP) and Health Science Services (HSS
FOI-122023-000518MRI machines, on which prostate cancer MRIs take place, in centres that are in operation by your trust.
FOI-122023-000519FGM maternity data
FOI-122023-000520Treatment with specified diagnoses codes
FOI-122023-000521Management of Corporate Property and Asset Information
FOI-122023-000522private v NHS-funded patients did your trust treat for IVF
FOI-122023-000523patient treatment with Nivolumab
FOI-122023-000525training delivered and/or Trust communications on virginity testing
FOI-122023-000527IT Name(s) and Address(es)
FOI-122023-000529Inequalities in the medical workplace
FOI-122023-000531longest A&E wait from 1. arrival until departure and 2. arrival until being seen across the Trust in: a) 2023 b) 2022
FOI-122023-000532“Getting it Right First Time” (GIRFT) pathway for suspected Cauda Equina Syndrome (CES).
FOI/011100Procedures performed overseas
FOI/011102Overseas patients
FOI/011538Management Consultants
FOI/012058Locum Consultants
FOI/012061Haemorrhoid surgeries
FOI/012062FOI requests
FOI/012063Multi-disciplinary teams
FOI/012065Audiology services
FOI/012066Non clinical job roles tender
FOI/012067Interpreting services
FOI/012070Benchmarking Tools
FOI/012071Physicians Assistants in Anaesthesia
FOI/012074Fixed penalty notices
FOI/012075A&E admissions, staff absences, agency staff, verbal abuse
FOI/012077Patient admissions and re-admissions
FOI/012078Controlled drugs
FOI/012080Information Governance
FOI/012082Cancelled operations
FOI/012083Eating disorders
FOI/012084Delayed transfers
FOI/012085Bowel cancer
FOI/012086Major/internal incident
FOI/012087Release of funds by Department of Health
FOI/012088Agency doctors
FOI/012090Agency midwives
FOI/012091Attendances in A&E through alcohol poisoning
FOI/012093Bowel management systems
FOI/012094Payments to suppliers
FOI/012095Cancelled operations
FOI/012096workforce equality monitoring
FOI/012097A&E visits
FOI/012098Radiology imaging equipment
FOI/012099Data quality
FOI/012100Sharps injuries
FOI/012101Staff workforce
FOI/012102Audited accounts
FOI/012104Acute beds
FOI/012105Chaplaincy services
FOI/012106Funding of cancer workforce
FOI/012107Clinical trials
FOI/012108Incident reporting
FOI/012109Nurses prescribing medicines
FOI/012110Infection control
FOI/012111Stroke patients
FOI/012113Soft tissue allographs
FOI/012115Food thrown away
FOI/012116Trust Finances
FOI/012117Translation services
FOI/012118Emergency Department
FOI/012119Clinical nurses/Macmillan nurses
FOI/012120Re-admissions/cleaning companies/pharmacy
FOI/012123Risk Management
FOI/012124Hospital admissions
FOI/012125Fridge alarms
FOI/012126Waiting Times
FOI/012127Staff sickness
FOI/012128Cataract surgery
FOI/012129Agency nursing
FOI/012130Hearing Aids
FOI/012132Stolen items
FOI/012133Learning disabilities
FOI/012134Private patient income
FOI/012135Critical care beds
FOI/012136Neurological conditions
FOI/012137Bank staff spend
FOI/012138Eligibility and selection criteria
FOI/012140Hospital food
FOI/012142Retail and commercial spaces
FOI/012144Pressure sores
FOI/012145Interpreting and translation services
FOI/012146Obese patients
FOI/012147VAT savings solutions for temporary staff
FOI/012148Clinical incident reporting
FOI/012149Head injuries
FOI/012151Radiology equipment and Trust workforce
FOI/012153Laparoscopic procedures
FOI/012154Agency staff
FOI/012155Formulary document
FOI/012157Staffing in A&E
FOI/012158Missed appointments
FOI/012160Hospital volunteers
FOI/012161Food products.vegan menu
FOI/012162Liver disease
FOI/012163Recruitment agencies
FOI/012164Board members and non-executive directors.
FOI/012165Expenditure on competition requirements
FOI/012166Disciplinary action
FOI/012167Patients discharging themselves/complaints
FOI/012168Stress related illness
FOI/012169Income from private patients
FOI/012172Orthopaedic products
FOI/012173Drug delivery service
FOI/012174Early discharge/cancelled operations
FOI/012175Recovery of NHS charges/CRU1 notification form
FOI/012176Foreign nationals
FOI/012180Business Intelligence Tool
FOI/012181Benchmarking tools
FOI/012183Staffing/ethnic category
FOI/012184Private Finance Initiative (PFI)
FOI/012185Medication errors
FOI/012186Ethnic categories used in ESR
FOI/012187Outsourced elective work
FOI/012188Subcutaneous insulin therapy
FOI/012189Public Health Funerals
FOI/012190Laparoscopic hernia surgery
FOI/012191Management of mobile phones and tablet devices in healthcare
FOI/012194Overseas nurses
FOI/012196Dog bites
FOI/012198Assults on staff
FOI/012199Barrett’s oesophagus
FOI/012200Chief Information Officer
FOI/012201Sterile Services Department
FOI/012204Finance structure
FOI/012205Agency nurses and locum doctors
FOI/012206Admissions and discharges
FOI/012209Holmium YAG laser machine
FOI/012212Patients admitted for using Ritalin or Modafinil
FOI/012213Agency staff
FOI/012214Audited accounts
FOI/012215NHS Litigation Authority Data
FOI/012216McKinsey Hospital Institute
FOI/012217Management consultants
FOI/012218Hospital staff and agency staff
FOI/012219Private treatment
FOI/012220Maternity services
FOI/012221Expenditure in eye departments
FOI/012222Ophthalmology services
FOI/012224Medication safety officer
FOI/012225Legal Fees
FOI/012227Staff training and apprenticeships
FOI/012228Staff spend
FOI/012229Maternity referrals
FOI/012235Communications and Investigations
FOI/012236Primary Care
FOI/012239Overseas Doctors and Nurses
FOI/012240Voluntary redundancy
FOI/012241Controlled drugs
FOI/012242Alcohol related liver disease
FOI/012244Temporary agency labour spend
FOI/012245Eczema/psoriasis patients
FOI/012247Gas and electricity
FOI/012249CCG Commissioning NHS services
FOI/012250food for patients
FOI/012253Urology/continence nurses
FOI/012254Intra-vitreal vials/implants
FOI/012255Spend on agency/locum doctors
FOI/012256Wound therapy devices
FOI/012257Orthopaedic site surveillance
FOI/012258Compensation claims
FOI/012259Audit trail on hospital systems
FOI/012260FOI management systems
FOI/012262Water treatment systems
FOI/012264Clinical waste collection
FOI/012265Multiple sclerosis drugs
FOI/012266Barrett’s oesophagus
FOI/012267Living wage
FOI/012268Recruitment of doctors
FOI/012271Disposal of pregnancy remains
FOI/012272Payments in kind
FOI/012273Agency spend
FOI/012274Serious incidents
FOI/012275Trust Manager’s
FOI/012279Hypothermia therapy
FOI/012281Clinical correspondence
FOI/012282Speed limit signs
FOI/012284MFD and printer contracts
FOI/012285Complaints procedures
FOI/012287Agency staff
FOI/012289Agency spend
FOI/012290Formulary for lipid/cholesterol drugs
FOI/012292Mental health issues
FOI/012296Mental health staff
FOI/012298Workforce expenditure and vacancies
FOI/012299Agency spend on theatre staff
FOI/012300PFI provider – fines
FOI/012301Severance payments
FOI/012302Cancer and cancer drugs
FOI/012303Anaesthesia products
FOI/012305Agency spend
FOI/012306British Sign Language
FOI/012307Orthopaedics and arthroscopy
FOI/012308Temporary theatre staff
FOI/012309Theatre access
FOI/012310Cancelled operations
FOI/012311Agency spend
FOI/012315Nasogastric tubes
FOI/012316Annual report, business travel
FOI/012317Structures/agency staff
FOI/012320Serious untoward incidents
FOI/012322Financial spend
FOI/012323Management consultancy
FOI/012324Bariatric surgery
FOI/012326Recruitment agencies
FOI/012327Overseas visitors receiving kidney treatment
FOI/012327Overseas visitors receiving kidney treatment
FOI/012328Sickness absence
FOI/012329Waiting times for pain services
FOI/012332Chemotherapy nurses
FOI/012335Board members
FOI/012336ED trollies and mattresses
FOI/012337Renal replacement therapy in intensive care
FOI/012338Interpreting and translation services
FOI/012339Complaints from patients against staff
FOI/012340Chest X-Ray reporting policy
FOI/012341Food poisoning
FOI/012342Champion for armed forces veterans
FOI/012343Weight loss operations
FOI/012344Penalties paid by the Trust
FOI/012346Information Governance Incidents
FOI/012349Facilities management
FOI/012350Locum staff and job vacancies
FOI/012352Vehicle leasing
FOI/012354Compensation payouts
FOI/012355Children self harming
FOI/012356Financial efficiencies
FOI/012357Contact details
FOI/012359Consultant cover in A&E
FOI/012360Consultants, weekend on call rota
FOI/012362Organisational chart
FOI/012363Non clinical staff
FOI/012364Biologics and biosimilars
FOI/012365Contact details
FOI/012367Linen & Laundry
FOI/012381Staff numbers/agency costs
FOI/012382Staff paid £1000 or more per day
FOI/012384Confederation of British Industry Contributions
FOI/012388Formulary, growth hormone prescribing
FOI/012390Patients admitted due to a fall
FOI/012391Money owed to the Trust
FOI/012393Agency spend
FOI/012394Occupational therapy services
FOI/012395Locum agencies
FOI/012396VTE in cancer
FOI/012397Pharmacy Department staff
FOI/012399Budget holders
FOI/012402Safe staffing for maternity
FOI/012404Vending machines
FOI/012406NHS treatment for foreign nationals
FOI/012408prescribing drugs
FOI/012409Private patient income
FOI/012410Public Health Funerals
FOI/012411Deaths and malnutrition
FOI/012412Parenteral nutrition
FOI/012415Non clinical and non medical staff
FOI/012417Temporary staff booking team
FOI/012418Finance contract
FOI/012422Training budgets
FOI/012424Agency staff in pharmacy
FOI/012425NHSSC catering framework contracts
FOI/012426Flu vaccination
FOI/012427Head of Estates
FOI/012428Intra-vitreal vials/implants
FOI/012430Agenda for change
FOI/012431Psoriasis treatment
FOI/012433Carbon monoxide poisoning
FOI/012434Agency staff contact
FOI/012438VTE prevention
FOI/012442Pharmaceutical companies
FOI/012444Parkinson’s disease
FOI/012446Allergy clinics
FOI/012449Ursofalk capsules
FOI/012450Dialysis patients
FOI/012455Multiple myeloma patients
FOI/012456Patients transferred to ITU
FOI/012457Financial services information
FOI/012458Prostate cancer
FOI/012459Funerals/next of kin
FOI/012461Public Health Funerals
FOI/012462Trust donations to NHS Confederation
FOI/012463Autism and Aspergers
FOI/012464Clinical staff and Capital projects
FOI/012465HR Business Partner
FOI/012466Mental and behavioural disorders
FOI/012467Nurses recruited from overseas
FOI/012468Carboxyhaemoglobin levels
FOI/012471Physical attacks on premises
FOI/012472Dog attacks
FOI/012473Alcohol intoxication
FOI/012474Alcohol related illnesses
FOI/012477Contact details for Facilities and EBME
FOI/012478Locum spend
FOI/012479Injury costs recovery scheme
FOI/012480Head and neck cancer
FOI/012481Locum Doctors
FOI/012482Trust debt
FOI/012483Cyber abuse/bullying
FOI/012488Business intelligence benchmarking
FOI/012489Adult hearing services
FOI/012491Gainshare Agreements
FOI/012492Staff Bank
FOI/012494Laundry services
FOI/012495Internal major incident
FOI/012496Agency nurses
FOI/012498Agencies for nurses and carers
FOI/012499Ultrasound baby scan pictures
FOI/012500Maternity adverse events
FOI/012501Car park charges
FOI/012502Clinical and non clinical support services
FOI/012503Claims in respect of negligent treatment
FOI/012504Acute myocardial infarction
FOI/012505Board member recruitment
FOI/012506Friends and Family test
FOI/012507Shortage of nurses
FOI/012508A&E Department
FOI/012509Self harm
FOI/012510Immunotherapy products
FOI/012511Missed appointments
FOI/012512Unserved meals
FOI/012513MRI/CT Scanner
FOI/012514Car parking
FOI/012515Trust surplus/deficit
FOI/012516private medical cover
FOI/012519Contact information
FOI/012520Referrals to the Trust
FOI/012521Travel costs
FOI/012523Lung carcinoma
FOI/012525Paperless electronic medical records
FOI/012526Hospital curtains
FOI/012527Agency spend
FOI/012528Pathology services
FOI/012530Salary overpayments
FOI/012531Metal based products purchased
FOI/012532Renal cell carcinoma
FOI/012534Maternity unit
FOI/012536Flu vaccination
FOI/012537Financial statements/annual accounts
FOI/012538Discharge data
FOI/012540Nursing and HCA vacancies
FOI/012543Maternity training
FOI/012544Agency shifts and pay
FOI/012545Treatment of haemorrhoids
FOI/012546Locum doctors and agency nurses
FOI/012550Patient reminder service
FOI/012551Savings estimate
FOI/012554Safe staffing
FOI/012556Biologics and biosimilars
FOI/012558Human trafficking
FOI/012559A&E Department
FOI/012561Abandoned cars
FOI/012562Cancer treatment
FOI/012563Vascular closure devices
FOI/012566Dermatology patients
FOI/012568Bank staff pay rates
FOI/012571Expenses and patient meals
FOI/012573Bariatric equipment
FOI/012575Infant death
FOI/012576Temporary nursing staff
FOI/012577Cow’s milk allergy
FOI/012579Number of employees and number of vacancies
FOI/012580Fractured neck of femur
FOI/012581Court cases
FOI/012583Overseas visitors
FOI/012584Domestic abuse
FOI/012585Musculoskeletal conditions
FOI/012588Learning disabilities
FOI/012589Funded establishment for nurses
FOI/012590Recruiting doctors
FOI/012591Overseas patients
FOI/012592Patient chioce for NICE approved treatments
FOI/012593Legal costs
FOI/012596Patient and non patient letters
FOI/012598Mentalisation based therapy
FOI/012599Multiple Sclerosis
FOI/012600Pelvic Congestion Syndrome
FOI/012601Urine samples
FOI/012602Agency pay caps
FOI/012603Cataract surgery
FOI/012606Bariatric surgery
FOI/012609Items confiscated by staff
FOI/012610Staffing levels in X-Ray
FOI/012611Staff injuries
FOI/012612Student timetables
FOI/012614Losses and special payments
FOI/012616Thickening powder
FOI/012618Nurses/healthcare assistants on Tier 2 Visas
FOI/012620Estate strategy
FOI/012621Patient length of stay/medication errors
FOI/012622Number of nurses and clinical support workers
FOI/012623Formaldehyde ond formalin
FOI/012624Human Trafficking
FOI/012625Tier 2 based visa system
FOI/012627Cataract procedures
FOI/012628Agency midwives
FOI/012629Agency nurses
FOI/012630Gonadorelin (GnRH) analogues (also known as LHRH analogues)
FOI/012631Consultant referrals
FOI/012634Printer provision/mail room
FOI/012636Blood groups
FOI/012637Ectopic pregnancy
FOI/012639Number of staff
FOI/012639Numbers of staff
FOI/012640A&E Department
FOI/012643Stress related illness
FOI/012644Patients restrained
FOI/012645Stress related illness
FOI/012646Learning diasability liaison nurse
FOI/012647Specialist seating assessment for children
FOI/012648Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service
FOI/012649Co2 monitoring
FOI/012650Conflict minerals
FOI/012652Breast cancer
FOI/012653Mobile MRI scanner
FOI/012655Board Members and Executive Directors
FOI/012657Emergency admissions
FOI/012658Sterilisation services
FOI/012659Car parking
FOI/012661Agency staff
FOI/012663Air fluidised beds
FOI/012664Agency locum spend
FOI/012665Falls prevention
FOI/012670Disability equipment
FOI/012671Cerebral Palsy
FOI/012672Staff with criminal records
FOI/012674Sexually transmitted diseases
FOI/012678Mental Health referrals
FOI/012679Discharge policy
FOI/012681Shifts and translators
FOI/012682Maternity Unit
FOI/012684Staff parking
FOI/012685Overseas visitors
FOI/012687Patients not ordinarily resident
FOI/012688Hip implant revisions
FOI/012689Patient letters
FOI/012690Diagnostic imaging
FOI/012691Items logged as stolen or missing
FOI/012692Prevent or channel programme
FOI/012693Macular degeneration
FOI/012694MRI & MS
FOI/012695Bariatric beds
FOI/012698RIDDOR reports
FOI/012699Haemorrhoid surgery
FOI/012700Qualified nurses
FOI/012703Junior doctors
FOI/012704Physical assaults
FOI/012705Chronic Myeloid Leukemia
FOI/012706Discharge policy
FOI/012707Waiting times for procedures
FOI/012709Neonatal abstinence syndrome
FOI/012710Venous Thromboembolism
FOI/012714Director of Finance
FOI/012715Transfer fors/patients for ITU
FOI/012718Estates and facilities
FOI/012720Number of babies born
FOI/012721Maternity Unit
FOI/012723Junior doctors contract
FOI/012724Chief Executive e-mails
FOI/012725MRI and CT scanners
FOI/012727Security called to dementia patients
FOI/012729Private patients
FOI/012730Cholesteatoma Surgery
FOI/012734Slavery/human trafficking
FOI/012735Contact details
FOI/012736Red or Black alert
FOI/012737Heart failure
FOI/012738Agency staff
FOI/012739Mobile phones
FOI/012740Electronic patient record
FOI/012741Waiting list initiative payments
FOI/012743GUM clinics
FOI/012744Number of beds
FOI/012745PFI Contract
FOI/012746Pest control
FOI/012747Dermatology Department
FOI/012748Emergency vehicles
FOI/012749Viscosupplementation injections
FOI/012753Injuries caused by e-cigarettes
FOI/012754Agency staff
FOI/012756Missed out patient appointments
FOI/012757Police call outs
FOI/012758Waste bag ties
FOI/012759Speech therapy
FOI/012760Spend on Solicitors
FOI/012762Orthoptist contact details
FOI/012764Personal Service Companies
FOI/012765Junior Doctors
FOI/012766Over 50’s giving birth
FOI/012767Administration staff
FOI/012768Medication errors
FOI/012771Monitor rates for agency workers
FOI/012774Care Models Vanguard
FOI/012776Director of Finance
FOI/012777Multidisciplinary team
FOI/012778Domiciliary care
FOI/012780Operating tables
FOI/012785Benefits of Senior Management
FOI/012786Financial position
FOI/012787Intra-vitreal vials/implants
FOI/012788Junior Doctor contract
FOI/012789Serious incidents
FOI/012790Hips and knees contract data
FOI/012792Off framework agencies
FOI/012797Data sharing agreements
FOI/012799IG related incidents
FOI/012801Service suspensions
FOI/012802Medical staff employed
FOI/012804Junior Doctors
FOI/012805Prostate cancer
FOI/012807Employees suspended
FOI/012809Urological cancer MDT
FOI/012810Pre-operative assessment clinic
FOI/012811Data protection/Information security
FOI/012818Paperless NHS
FOI/012822Locum staff
FOI/012824Nurses suspended
FOI/012825Financial and Accounting Services
FOI/012826Ophthalmology procedures
FOI/012827Black alert
FOI/012830Gifts and hospitality
FOI/012831No resuscitation orders
FOI/012834Cancer patients/WiFi
FOI/012835Trust finances
FOI/012837Child and Adolescent Mental Health
FOI/012838Biologics and biosimilars
FOI/012838Biologics and biosimilars
FOI/012839Multiple sclerosis
FOI/012840Bowel cancer
FOI/012841Delayed discharge
FOI/012842Settlement agreements
FOI/012843A & E
FOI/012844Bladder scanners
FOI/012845Car parking
FOI/012846Diagnostic testing
FOI/012848Dermatology clinics
FOI/012850prostate cancer
FOI/012851Judicial mediation
FOI/012853Sterilization equipment
FOI/012854MS Diagnosis
FOI/01285518 week referral to treatment
FOI/012856Agency staff
FOI/012857Compromise agreements
FOI/012858Compromise agreements
FOI/012859Contact details
FOI/012862Noise complaints
FOI/012863Subject access requests
FOI/012866Surgical operations
FOI/012867Patients discharged between 11pm & 6am
FOI/012868Surgical procedures
FOI/012869Cancer referrals
FOI/012871PD-L1 testing
FOI/012873Patient transfers
FOI/012876Maternity patients
FOI/012877Blood pressure equipment
FOI/012878Operating theatre equipment
FOI/012879Public Health Funerals
FOI/012880Payroll processing and recruitment function
FOI/012881Financial services
FOI/012883Agency nurses
FOI/012885Buildings and contract
FOI/012886Complex discharges
FOI/012887Agency locum spend in ophthalmology
FOI/012888Agency locum spend in gastroenterology
FOI/012890Maternity wards
FOI/012892Vacancies for Doctors
FOI/012894Kawasaki disease
FOI/012895Elective caesareans. Chemsex
FOI/012899Overseas patients
FOI/012901Scoliosis correction surgery
FOI/012902Mortuary fridge spaces
FOI/012903Carbon monoxide poisoning
FOI/012904Healthcare devices/cyber attacks
FOI/012905Energy Management
FOI/012906Endomyocardial & Amoeloid biopsy procedures
FOI/012908Breast cancer
FOI/012910Neuroendocrine tumours
FOI/012911Water hygene, Legionella control
FOI/012912Pharmaceutical companies
FOI/012913Skin preparation products
FOI/012914Smart devices
FOI/012915Heart failure nurses
FOI/012916Risk assessment policy
FOI/012917Postural tachycardia syndrome
FOI/012918Lung carcinoma and metastatic melanoma
FOI/012919Car parking
FOI/012921Agency staff
FOI/012922Hip/knee replacements
FOI/012924Microbiology Manager
FOI/012926Hospital prescribing for Ribavirin
FOI/012927Ambulance services
FOI/012928Trust spend on non medical staff and non medical agency staff
FOI/012929Gain share agreements
FOI/012930Phone and TV charges
FOI/012932Mental health patients
FOI/012933Medical and dental vacancies
FOI/012934Vacancies, serious incidents and ward closures
FOI/012935Organisational chart for CAMHS
FOI/012936Bank staff
FOI/012937Staff absence
FOI/012940Agency Doctors for radiology
FOI/012941Ophthalmology Fellowships
FOI/012943Serious incidents in A&E
FOI/012944Staff leaving and recruitment
FOI/012945Learning disabilities services
FOI/012946Workforce spend
FOI/012948Staff suspensions
FOI/012949Imaging services
FOI/012950Staff Bank
FOI/012951Lead psycologist
FOI/012952Agency spend
FOI/012955Operating theatres/intensive care units
FOI/012956Agency spend in Dermatology
FOI/012957CQC Inspection
FOI/012959Junior Doctors contract
FOI/012960Reiki therapy
FOI/012961Nursing staff – break glass clause
FOI/012962Prescription to Benzodiazepines
FOI/012963PFI services (energy)
FOI/012966Contact details CCIO
FOI/012967Pain killers/headache tablets
FOI/012968Eye damage
FOI/012969Agency staff
FOI/012971Personal injury claim
FOI/012972Respiratory ventilators and resuscitators
FOI/012973Organisational structure
FOI/012976Consultants/Doctors present in A&E
FOI/012977VTE in cancer
FOI/012978Montreal mattresses, operating tables
FOI/012981Self harming
FOI/012983Electric vehicle charging points
FOI/012986Energy Management
FOI/012987Community Midwives/bilirubinometers
FOI/012988Management of medical devices
FOI/012990Junior Doctors
FOI/012991Aseptic unit
FOI/012993Breast ironing
FOI/012994Financial position
FOI/012995Antibiotic guidelines
FOI/012996Medical students
FOI/012998Staff car parking
FOI/013000Organisational charts
FOI/013006Spend on electrical materials
FOI/013007Payroll and non mandatory training
FOI/013008Endomyocardial biopsy
FOI/013009Adults treated on childrens ward
FOI/013010Car parking
FOI/013011Midwifery Led Unit
FOI/013013Occupational therapists
FOI/013014Operating Department Practitioners
FOI/013015Theranos’ Edison blood-testing machines
FOI/013017Peperless working environment
FOI/013018Junior Doctor Contract
FOI/013019Agency staff
FOI/013024Pharmacy medicines savings
FOI/013025Intra vitreal vials/implants
FOI/013027Junior doctor shifts
FOI/013030Junior Doctors
FOI/013031K041 – formal complaints
FOI/013032Dog bites
FOI/013033Direct engagement model
FOI/013034Foreign Nationals
FOI/013036Air conditioning assessment
FOI/013040Agency staff – Social Workers
FOI/013041Gender reassignment
FOI/013042Dialysis patients
FOI/013044Datix incidents
FOI/013045Immigration and asylum seekers
FOI/013046Obstetrics & Gynaecology ST3s
FOI/013049Dudley MCP Vanguard
FOI/013050Rostering software
FOI/013051Theatre & Laboratory Managers
FOI/013052Womb transplant
FOI/013053Patient records
FOI/013054Obstetrics & Gynaecology ST3s
FOI/013055PFI performance adjustments
FOI/013059Medical engineering
FOI/013060Local audit and accountability
FOI/013061Agency spend in A&E
FOI/013062Fit and proper persons test
FOI/013065Train travel
FOI/013066Cost of patient food
FOI/013068Capital loans
FOI/013069Urology services
FOI/013071Rostering/staffing systems
FOI/013072Non EU Nationals
FOI/013075Bariatric surgery
FOI/013078Car parking
FOI/013079Foundation Year 1 & 2 doctors
FOI/013081Car parking
FOI/013082Estates failure
FOI/013083Dental treatment
FOI/013085A&E waits
FOI/013089Agency spend
FOI/013090Womens health
FOI/013093Mental Health
FOI/013094Copier paper
FOI/013097Helicobacter Pylori Infections
FOI/013098Intravenous cancer drug therapies
FOI/013099Invoices and overseas visitors
FOI/013102Student timetables
FOI/013105Fines from NHS Commissioners
FOI/013106MRI scans
FOI/013107Legal claim for discrimination
FOI/013110Clinical coding
FOI/013111Vital packs and clinical observations
FOI/013113CRE infections
FOI/013116Security manager
FOI/013117Overseas visitors
FOI/013118Facilities management
FOI/013119Patients with infections
FOI/013122ESBL infections
FOI/013125Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
FOI/013126Waste Management
FOI/013127DBS checks, parking, staff establishment
FOI/013128Waiting list
FOI/013130Venous thromboembolism
FOI/013131End of life medicines
FOI/013133Compensation claims
FOI/013134Elective surgery cancellations
FOI/013135Breast lesions
FOI/013136Audiology for children
FOI/013137Child drug & alcohol admissions
FOI/013138Maternity deaths
FOI/013140Stress related illness
FOI/013141Mail room
FOI/013142Business development
FOI/013143IVF treatment
FOI/013145Friends and family test
FOI/013146Continence product formulary
FOI/013147Cancer drugs
FOI/013148Agenda for change
FOI/013149Spend on external workshops
FOI/013150Pest control
FOI/013151Services for women
FOI/013153Closure due to sewers or drainage
FOI/013155Asbestos survey
FOI/013156Taxi services
FOI/013158Organs and tissue samples
FOI/013159pregnancy loss/ miscarriage
FOI/013161Overseas visitors
FOI/013163Hospital food
FOI/013164Delayed transfer of care/bed blocking
FOI/013165Neurology nurses/Parkinsons disease
FOI/013166Medical instruments
FOI/013167Paediatric operations
FOI/013168Chemical contamination
FOI/013169Chief Executive and Director of Finance
FOI/013170Hand gel/Norovirus
FOI/013171Speaking clock
FOI/013172Sexual health service
FOI/013173Cyber security
FOI/013175Hepatitis C Patients
FOI/013176Patient experience surveya
FOI/013177Dyson products
FOI/013179Hospital deaths/care packages
FOI/013180Klebsiella Pneumoniae
FOI/013183Drug and theraputic committees
FOI/013184Payroll services
FOI/013186Maternity Department serious incidents
FOI/013188Children’s nurses
FOI/013189Foreign patients using maternity services
FOI/013191Nursing establishment
FOI/013192Bronchial challenge testing
FOI/013194Non nutrition drugs
FOI/013195Public Health Funeral
FOI/013196Non emergency patient transport
FOI/013198Sickle Cell
FOI/013199Ambulatory ECG’s
FOI/013200Pregnant theatre staff
FOI/013201Assistant Practitioner
FOI/013202Cancer treatment
FOI/013203People presenting in A&E with flu
FOI/013204Agency midwives
FOI/013208Dummy appointments
FOI/013209Drug coated balloons
FOI/013210British Red Cross
FOI/013211Mental health
FOI/013215Heroin/cocaine prescribed to patients
FOI/013217Taxi’s and non emergency patient transport
FOI/013219Surgical instruments
FOI/013220Female genital mutilation
FOI/013221Orthotic services
FOI/013223Intra-Vitreal vials/implants
FOI/013224Eating disorders
FOI/013225Cancelled operations
FOI/013226Pharmacy structure
FOI/013227Multiple Sclerosis modifying drugs
FOI/013229Patient deaths
FOI/013230Adults treated on childrens ward
FOI/013231Translation services
FOI/013232Maternity incidents
FOI/013233Information Governance service provision
FOI/013234CCG contracts
FOI/013235Taxi free phones
FOI/013236Bowel dysfunction
FOI/013237Contiunual renal replacement
FOI/013239Agency spend in A&E
FOI/013240Assault related injury
FOI/013241EAting disorders
FOI/013242Staff who left Trust/Nasogastric feeding tube
FOI/013243NHS suppliers
FOI/013244A&E presenting with dental complaints
FOI/013245Delayed discharge
FOI/013247Chronic fatigue syndrome
FOI/013248Paediatric operations
FOI/013250MRI/CT scanners
FOI/013251Private patients
FOI/013253Antibiotic resistant superbugs
FOI/013254Private patients
FOI/013255Hospital staff, salaries, NI contributions
FOI/013256Mental health
FOI/013258Patient deaths
FOI/013259Losses and special payments
FOI/013262Overseas patients
FOI/013264Clinical waste
FOI/013267Discharge policy
FOI/013268Spend by Board Members
FOI/013270Translation services
FOI/013273Delayed transfer of care
FOI/013277Vending machines/healthy eating targets
FOI/013278Nursing staff
FOI/013279Drug resistant infections
FOI/013280Mental health
FOI/013281Junk food and snacks
FOI/013282Audiovisual translation services
FOI/013283Private patients
FOI/013284Staffing levels
FOI/013285Security Guards
FOI/013286Assaults/security staff
FOI/013288Agency spend
FOI/013289Do not resusitate (DNR)
FOI/013291Grounds maintenance and pest control
FOI/013293Volunteer Coordinator pay
FOI/013295Freedom of Information requests
FOI/013296A&E staff
FOI/013298Tubercolosis, bronchiectasis, COPD
FOI/013299Serious untoward incidents
FOI/013300Water hygiene
FOI/013301Cyanide antodotes
FOI/013302Endoscopy reporting software
FOI/013305Learning disability
FOI/013306Trust administration costs
FOI/013309Babies injured during delivery
FOI/013310Cancelled operations
FOI/013311Overseas visitors
FOI/013313Hip replacement
FOI/013315Car park charges
FOI/013318Procurement systems
FOI/013319Nurses for bank work
FOI/013320Agency spend in Dermatology
FOI/013322Sub contracted surgical activity
FOI/013324Job advertising
FOI/013326Emergency admissions
FOI/013327Patient meals
FOI/013328Fire safety
FOI/013329Patient falls
FOI/013331IT spend
FOI/013332IT systems
FOI/013334Clinical staff employed from overseas
FOI/013335Register of Interests
FOI/013336Waste management
FOI/013339Homeless people
FOI/013342Non UK EU Nationals
FOI/013343Employment references
FOI/013344Maternity unit closures
FOI/013345NHS patients to private hospitals
FOI/013346Mayfield Horseshoe
FOI/013347Falsified CV’s
FOI/013349Renal units/kidney patients
FOI/013350Agency spend in Radiology
FOI/013351Cyber security
FOI/013352Waste seals
FOI/013353Thefts from patients
FOI/013354Tattoo removal
FOI/013355Pharmacy vacancies/agency staff
FOI/013356Staff references
FOI/013357Rostering and rota management software
FOI/013359Risk register
FOI/013360Agency spend
FOI/013361Mental Health
FOI/013363Mammography provision
FOI/013364Fall prevention/rheumatology
FOI/013365Patients ‘blacklisted’ by the Trust
FOI/013367PD-L1 testing
FOI/013368Alcohol or drug related conditions
FOI/013369Fact finding missions, consultancy firms
FOI/013370Apprentice clerical staff
FOI/013373Junior doctors
FOI/013375MRI scans
FOI/013377Delayed transfer of care
FOI/013378Babies born with alcohol or drug addiction
FOI/013382Patients not eligable for NHS care
FOI/013383Operating theatres
FOI/013384Foreign nationals identification
FOI/013385private Healthcare Providers
FOI/013388Stolen items
FOI/013391Snake bites
FOI/013392Non emergency patient transfer
FOI/013393Sexually transmitted diseases
FOI/013394Recovering money from third parties
FOI/013396Foot services
FOI/013397EndoVascular aneurysm repair or aortic repair
FOI/013398A&E beds/overseas patients
FOI/013400Safe staffing
FOI/013401Absences among doctors
FOI/013402Dental treatment for children
FOI/013404Cancelled operations
FOI/013407Gardening leave
FOI/013409Public Health Funerals
FOI/013410Delayed transfer
FOI/013413Diabetes guidelines
FOI/013417Baby birthweights
FOI/013419Delayed transfer of care
FOI/013421Delayed transfers
FOI/013422Locum staff
FOI/013423Agency staff
FOI/013424Hepatitis C
FOI/013426Fire safety
FOI/013427Pelvic organ prolapse
FOI/013428Hospital systems
FOI/013430Staff misconduct
FOI/013431Courier service
FOI/013432Estates failure
FOI/013433Cancelled childrens operations
FOI/013434Laparoscopic hysterectomy procedures
FOI/013435Packed lunches/Home Office requests
FOI/013438Lipid clinic
FOI/013439Outpatient hysteroscopy
FOI/013440Multispecialty Community Provider MCP Vanguard
FOI/013441CT scans on animals
FOI/013442Sustainability and transformation plans
FOI/013444Overseas visitors
FOI/013446A&E capital funding
FOI/013447Catastrophic zombie scenario
FOI/013448television & personal entertainment
FOI/013449Baby deaths
FOI/013451Contract information
FOI/013452Pressure ulcers
FOI/013453Print contract
FOI/013454Patients sent to private facilities
FOI/013456Multiple sclerosis modifying drugs
FOI/013458Nursing and HCA staff
FOI/013460Agency collection
FOI/013461Social Media Governance Policy (for employees)
FOI/013462Blood cultures
FOI/013463Cyber attacks
FOI/013464Midwives trained in diabetes management
FOI/013465Variable rate intravenous insulin infusion
FOI/013466Energy efficiency
FOI/013468Maternity services
FOI/013469Clinical waste
FOI/013471Arthroscopy services
FOI/013472Clinical systems/tenders
FOI/013473Freedom of Information Requests
FOI/013474Agency spend
FOI/013476Intra-vitreal vials/implants
FOI/013482Emergency admissions
FOI/013483Caldicott Guardian
FOI/013484Ransomware attacks
FOI/013486Critical Care
FOI/013488Agency staff
FOI/013489Washer disinfectors
FOI/013491ICT manager
FOI/013492Hypothermia therapy
FOI/013494Children with mental health issues
FOI/013495Prostate cancer
FOI/013497PFI PPI safety audit
FOI/013498MRI scan for cancer
FOI/013500Patient feedback
FOI/013501Social media breaches
FOI/013503Agency staff
FOI/013504Number of beds
FOI/013505Resus trolleys
FOI/013506Serious incidents
FOI/013507Special purpose vehicles (SPV’S)
FOI/013509Biologics & biosimilars
FOI/013510Taxis and private hire vehicles
FOI/013511Sterile services & decontamination units
FOI/013512Infection prevention and control
FOI/013514Washer disinfectors
FOI/013515Aquired brain injury
FOI/013516Combustibility of cladding
FOI/013517Premature/pre labour protocol
FOI/013518Ophthalmology Fellowships
FOI/013519Consultancy metrics in the NHS
FOI/013520Gastroenterology Fellowships
FOI/013522Unscomm BP+(previously Pulsecor)
FOI/013524Energy initiatives
FOI/013525Contact details
FOI/013526Hospitality register
FOI/013527Trampoline injuries
FOI/013529Deaths from dental procedures
FOI/013533Diagnostic services
FOI/013534Radiology Fellowships
FOI/013535Chemotherapy barrier mouthwash
FOI/013537Maternity Unit
FOI/013538Ocriplasmin (Jetra) treatment for vitreo-macular traction
FOI/013539Statistics of acute medicine department
FOI/013541Fire safety
FOI/013542Eye conditions
FOI/013544Discharges between 10pm and 6am
FOI/013545Muscular dystrophy
FOI/013546Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and HIV
FOI/013547IT information
FOI/013549Paper procurement
FOI/013550Learning Disability Nurse
FOI/013551Pregablin drug
FOI/013555Anti coagulant
FOI/013557IT services
FOI/013558Agency staff
FOI/013559IT – Web filtering solutions
FOI/013560Fleet insurance
FOI/013561Private patients
FOI/013563International English Language Test System (IELTS)
FOI/013564Information technology purchases
FOI/013565Occupational Health
FOI/013566IT systems
FOI/013567Sick days
FOI/013569Management models
FOI/013570Insulin pump therapy
FOI/013571Agency spend
FOI/013573Stab wounds
FOI/013575Pharmacy provision
FOI/013576Nutrition support teams
FOI/013579Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
FOI/013580Privacy curtain
FOI/013582IT spend
FOI/013584Carbon monoxide poisoning
FOI/013585GDPR – contact details
FOI/013586Contact details
FOI/013587Financial spend
FOI/013588Recruitment expenditure
FOI/013589Bank staff
FOI/013590Agency shifts
FOI/013591Private cancer treatment
FOI/013592Business intelligence
FOI/013594Admitted patients and private patients
FOI/013595Sustainability and Transformation Partnership (STP)
FOI/013596HIV patients
FOI/013597Car park/wages/public relations
FOI/013598Steven-Johnson Syndrome
FOI/013600Cleaning products
FOI/013602Orthopaedic and ophthalmology waiting times
FOI/013605Emergency re-admissions
FOI/013607Micafungin (Generic) and Mycamine Vials & Caspofungin (Generic) and Cancidas
FOI/013609Working off payroll
FOI/013610Consultancy services
FOI/013613Server farm/data centre
FOI/013614Child & Mental Health Services
FOI/013616IT WEE & general WEEE recycling
FOI/013617Locum shifts
FOI/013618Patients sent to zoo for investigations
FOI/013619Sleep apnoea
FOI/013619Financial control total
FOI/013620X-Ray provision
FOI/013621Children’s ward closures
FOI/013623Facilities and Estates
FOI/013624Waiting times
FOI/013625Training Doctors
FOI/013626Emergency Department closures
FOI/013627Nursing Director
FOI/013629Overseas visitors
FOI/013630Consultants paid overtime
FOI/013635Integration engine
FOI/013636Labour guidelines
FOI/013637Private hospital transfer agreements
FOI/013638Pest control
FOI/013640Venous Thromboembolism (VTE)
FOI/013642Dermatology and pharmacy
FOI/013643Dialysis waste drain bag/line
FOI/013644Cancer treatment
FOI/013647Information technology
FOI/013648Dr Foster software
FOI/013649Workforceplanning/leaving European Union
FOI/013650End of life care
FOI/013651Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS)
FOI/013652Biologics & biosimilars
FOI/013653Allen table
FOI/013654Medical devices
FOI/013655Elective operations and cancellations
FOI/013656Anti-microbial resistence
FOI/013657Gainshare Agreements
FOI/013658Translation services
FOI/013659Sickness and suspension
FOI/013661Spiritual care and/or pastoral care
FOI/013664Agency spend/vacancies
FOI/013665Foundation Trust Governors
FOI/013667Multiple Sclerosis drugs
FOI/013670Procurement of consultancy services
FOI/013672International Healthcare Recruitment
FOI/013673Digital data
FOI/013674Foreign objects left in patients
FOI/013675Maternity – deliveries and complications
FOI/013676Chief Pharmacist
FOI/013677Windows XP
FOI/013678Eating disorders
FOI/013679Car parking
FOI/013680Sandwell patients attending RHH
FOI/013681Sickness due to stress
FOI/013682Car parking
FOI/013684Trampoline injuries
FOI/013685Nurse recruitment
FOI/013686Exception reports
FOI/013687Security on mobile device estates
FOI/013688Never events / prescribing incidents
FOI/013689IT services/contracts
FOI/013690Agency nursing
FOI/013692Car parking
FOI/013693Haemostat products
FOI/013694Respiratory admissions
FOI/013696Mobility products
FOI/013704Lost property
FOI/013705Specialist registration
FOI/013706Respiratory patients
FOI/013707Winter plan
FOI/013708Continence service
FOI/013709Agency spend
FOI/013710Oncology Fellowships
FOI/013711Hearing aid service
FOI/013712Childrens with bladder infections and deaths from sepsis
FOI/013713Server farm/data centre
FOI/013716Urinary flow test
FOI/013718Air handling units
FOI/013719Insurance provider, midwives per birth
FOI/013720Aggression and violence incidents
FOI/013721Agency spend
FOI/013724Electronic & digital patient records
FOI/013725Use of leave under the Mental Health Act
FOI/013726A&E attendances liked to legal highs
FOI/013727Allegations of sexual assault
FOI/013729Digital health records management
FOI/013732Sexual assault
FOI/013733Communications office
FOI/013735Wait time from A&E to ward
FOI/013735Migraines, headaches
FOI/013736Discharge policy
FOI/013738Urothelial cell cancer
FOI/013740Electrophysiology (EP) products
FOI/013741Business systems
FOI/013742Specialist registration in stroke medicine
FOI/013745Neonatal abstinence syndrome
FOI/013747Overseas visitors
FOI/013748Babies born to drug dependant mothers
FOI/013749Sexual harassment
FOI/013751Virtual fracture clinic
FOI/013752Agency spend
FOI/013754Missing or unaccounted drugs
FOI/013755Heart failure
FOI/013756Supplies / equipment from abroad
FOI/013757Removal of foreign objects
FOI/013758Medical staff
FOI/013759Mentor preparation
FOI/013760Non mandatory training
FOI/013761Agency spend
FOI/013762CQC warnings
FOI/013763Contract details/Trust systems
FOI/013766Health apps
FOI/013767Hip fractures
FOI/013768Cases of Plagiocephaly
FOI/013769Public relations / marketing
FOI/013770Agency spend
FOI/013771Annual leave
FOI/013772Agency doctors and nurses
FOI/013773Overseas visitors
FOI/013774Asthma patients
FOI/013775IVF services
FOI/013776Contact details
FOI/013777Contact details
FOI/013778Cyber security
FOI/013779Spend on taxis
FOI/013780Cyber security
FOI/013782Pharmacy transformation programme
FOI/013784Cancelled operations
FOI/013787Hydrotherapy pool
FOI/013788Fellowship in gastroenterology
FOI/013790Young people admissions due to drink and drugs
FOI/013791Credit/purchasing cards
FOI/013794Extravasation incident information
FOI/013795Annual report
FOI/013796Idiopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF)
FOI/013797Mothballed (empty) wards
FOI/013801Delay on decision to admit
FOI/013802Electronic medical records
FOI/013804CT scanner
FOI/013805Urinary tract infections
FOI/013807Agency staff in gastroenterology
FOI/013808Contact details
FOI/013810Falls in the home
FOI/013811Parking spaces
FOI/013812Security seals
FOI/013813A&E attendances
FOI/013815Cancer waits
FOI/013816Training Fellowships within radiology
FOI/013817Agency spend
FOI/013818IT systems
FOI/013820Pharmaceutical samples
FOI/013825Exposure to blood and body fluids
FOI/013826Networks and telecoms
FOI/013828Trust systems
FOI/013829RTT validation
FOI/013831Capsules and tablets
FOI/013832Training Fellowships on ophthalmology
FOI/013833Mortuary information
FOI/013835Private patients
FOI/013836Sexual assaults
FOI/013837Non clinical staff grade 6 and above
FOI/013839Atopic dermatitis (eczema)
FOI/013840Acquascience (Company)
FOI/013841Bounty sample packs
FOI/013842Obstruction of airway
FOI/013843Procurement Department
FOI/013844IT structure
FOI/013845Hymen reconstruction surgery
FOI/013846Booking theatre equipment
FOI/013848Fax machines
FOI/013851Covered stents
FOI/013852Biologics & biosimilar prescribing
FOI/013853Government’s Cloud First policy
FOI/013854Dermatology and melanoma
FOI/013856Apprenticeship levy
FOI/013858Overian cancer
FOI/013859Agenda for change
FOI/013860Hospital systems
FOI/013861RBC units, cancelled operations
FOI/013862Bank staff & medical app
FOI/013864Urinary tract infections
FOI/013865Waiting times in A&E
FOI/013866A&E admissions
FOI/013868General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR)
FOI/013869Specialling 1 to 1 care
FOI/013870Contact details
FOI/013872Bariatric patients and equipment
FOI/013873IV Potassium therapy
FOI/013874Pest control
FOI/013875High risk maintenance backlog
FOI/013876Diabetes and eating disorders
FOI/013877Patient meals/expenses by Directors
FOI/013878Intra-vitreal vials/implants
FOI/013879Macular degeneration (wAMD)
FOI/013881Agency staff
FOI/013885IT – ePMA system
FOI/013886Technology complaints
FOI/013887Overseas visitors
FOI/013888Agency staff
FOI/013889Missing or stolen drugs
FOI/013890Agency staff
FOI/013891Staff rest areas
FOI/013892IT software management systems
FOI/013893Dental consumables
FOI/013894Surgical procedures
FOI/013895Junior Doctors contract
FOI/013896Multiple Sclerosis drugs
FOI/013897Self harming
FOI/013898Disposable drinking cups
FOI/013899Contact details
FOI/013900Sickness due to flu
FOI/013901Staff numbers
FOI/013902Overseas visitors
FOI/013903Patient meals
FOI/013904Car parking
FOI/013905Dictation systems
FOI/013906GDPR Compliance
FOI/013907Lower back pain
FOI/013908Therapy staff
FOI/013910Facebook & Twitter
FOI/013911Going digital/potassium trearments
FOI/013912Cancelled operations and clinics
FOI/013915Education services/IT products and services
FOI/013916Sexual harassment
FOI/013917Bank staff
FOI/013918IT – EPR system
FOI/013919Eating disorders
FOI/013920Bereavement midwives
FOI/013922Messaging Apps
FOI/013923Chemically restrained
FOI/013924Hepatitis C
FOI/013925Autistic women
FOI/013926Fracture clinic
FOI/013927Infection prevention
FOI/013928Hospital TV
FOI/013929IT Security
FOI/013930A&E attendances
FOI/013931Losses and special payments
FOI/013932Cyber security / service outages
FOI/013933Assault related injury
FOI/013934Theatre Management System
FOI/013936Disciplinary cases
FOI/013937Hand sanitizers
FOI/013938Wound care dressings
FOI/013939Ostomy/stoma patients
FOI/013942Hospital wards
FOI/013943Ward/Maternity closures and cancelled operations
FOI/013945Average length of stay
FOI/013947Overian and prostste cancer
FOI/013949Professional development/study leave
FOI/013950Lumbar puncture
FOI/013951Patient leaflets
FOI/013952Incontinence pads
FOI/013952Incontinence pads
FOI/013954Maternity unit exposure to nitrous oxide
FOI/013955Managed print services
FOI/013956Contact details
FOI/013958X-ray aprons
FOI/013960Freedom of Information requests
FOI/013961Equality and Diversity complaints
FOI/013962Waiting times
FOI/013964Managed services
FOI/013966Prostate cancer
FOI/013971Crohn’s disease
FOI/013973Foley Catheter
FOI/013974Caesarean sections
FOI/013975Whistleblower support
FOI/013976Gamma cameras
FOI/013977Caesarean sections
FOI/013979Inguinal hernias
FOI/013981Pathology procurement
FOI/013982Surgical trainees
FOI/013985Births & Downs Syndrome
FOI/013986Wheelchair services
FOI/013988Sustainability & Transformation Funding (STF)
FOI/013990IT – EPR system
FOI/013991Missed appointments
FOI/013992Biomarker testing
FOI/013993Staff working less than 8 hours per day
FOI/013995Contact details
FOI/013997Doctors mess
FOI/013998Cataract services
FOI/013999Freedom to speak up Guardians
FOI/014000Taxi & courier services
FOI/014002Staff numbers
FOI/014003Elections to Trust Council of Govenors
FOI/014004OPEL level 4
FOI/014005Obese women
FOI/014007Junior Doctor monitoring
FOI/014009Childrens services
FOI/014010Continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)
FOI/014011Gunshot and knife wounds
FOI/014012Contact details
FOI/014013Suppliers of software applications
FOI/014014Record Digitisation Projects
FOI/014015Cancer patients
FOI/014016CCTV & access control systems
FOI/014018Paediatric dental waiting times
FOI/014020Cancer patients
FOI/014021Antenatal education providers
FOI/014023Diagnostic/endoscopy services
FOI/014024Endomyocardial biopsy
FOI/014026IT – EPR and financial systems
FOI/014027Exception reports
FOI/014028Security staff/assaults
FOI/014029Staff training and training systems
FOI/014030Non-oral anti coagulants (NOACs)
FOI/014031Incorrect charges for NHS treatment
FOI/014032Walking frames
FOI/014033NHS igital ScanForSafety initiative
FOI/014034Neck of femur (hip) repairs
FOI/014035ECG equipment
FOI/014036Urinary incontinence
FOI/014037Managed print contract
FOI/014038Urinary incontinence
FOI/014040Messaging apps
FOI/014041Surveillance equipment
FOI/014043Birth episodes with selected codings
FOI/014044Dressings & bandages
FOI/014045Consolidated company
FOI/014046Neonatal & Paediatrics
FOI/014047National fraud initiataive reviews
FOI/014048Charitable funding/donations
FOI/014049Offensive/harzadous waste
FOI/014050Chemotherapy Nurses
FOI/014051Overseas visitors
FOI/014054IT – PAS/EPR systems
FOI/014056Outsourced payroll for temporary staff
FOI/014057Blood Sciences laboratory (Biochemistry and Haematology)
FOI/014058Social media/messaging apps
FOI/014059Emergency admissions
FOI/014060Operating theatre fire incidents
FOI/014061Venesection protocol
FOI/014062Loss of income due to cancelled operations
FOI/014063Cleaning and recycling hospital equipment
FOI/014065Patient experience surveys
FOI/014066Cancer patients
FOI/014067Catalogue systems
FOI/014068Subsidiary Companies
FOI/014072Foley catheter
FOI/014074RTT and average length of stay
FOI/014075Board secretary
FOI/014076Thyroid surgery
FOI/014077Staff health and wellbeing strategy
FOI/014079Printing service & posting letters
FOI/014081Glass syringes
FOI/014082Drugs dispensed
FOI/014083Agency staff/shifts
FOI/014084Maternity unit
FOI/014086Biopsy and coaxial (guiding) needles
FOI/014087Overpayments to employees
FOI/014088Subject access requests
FOI/014089Contact details
FOI/014090Radiographer posts
FOI/014092Contact details
FOI/014093Serious incidents
FOI/014094IT – software
FOI/014096Car parking for staff
FOI/014097Babies birthweight
FOI/014098Non disclosure agreements
FOI/014099Radiology reporting
FOI/014101Breast cancer care
FOI/014102Recruitment of Doctors
FOI/014103Serious incidents
FOI/014104Working arrangements with private companies
FOI/014105NHS patients billed for care
FOI/014107Social enterprise
FOI/014108CCGs commissioning Trust services
FOI/014109Private patient income/agency staff
FOI/014110Endoscopy services
FOI/014111Health of Looked After Children Team
FOI/014113Mesh implant operations
FOI/014114Upfront charge for healthcare
FOI/014115Ophthalmology services
FOI/014117Obstetric injuries
FOI/014118Charging of overseas visitors
FOI/014122Staff absence
FOI/014123Tier 2 general visa
FOI/014126Inpatients aged over 65
FOI/014127Metastatic Squamous Cell Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
FOI/014129Sexual health software
FOI/014130Overseas visitors
FOI/014132Replacing damaged items
FOI/014133Patient records
FOI/014134Neonatal meningitis
FOI/014135Pharmacy spend
FOI/014136IT systems
FOI/014137Staff vacancies and agency staff
FOI/014138Charges for TV, internet and phone
FOI/014139Facilities Management
FOI/014140Patient letters
FOI/014141Pregnancy termination & sexual health
FOI/014143Multiple Sclerosis modifying drugs
FOI/014144Agency spend
FOI/014145Non disclosure agreements
FOI/014146Discharge teams
FOI/014147Hospital deaths
FOI/014148Development for staff
FOI/014149IT support contracts
FOI/014150Counterfit drugs
FOI/014152Continence products
FOI/014153Self funded treatments
FOI/014154Intra-vitreal implants
FOI/014157Surgery on open fractures
FOI/014158Community nursing
FOI/014159Paediatric audiology
FOI/014161Contact details
FOI/014162Cerebral Palsy
FOI/014163Policy for postpartum women
FOI/014164IT systems
FOI/014165Internal bank staff rates
FOI/014166Non UK EU Nationals
FOI/014169Settlement agreements
FOI/014170ADHD waiting times
FOI/014171Tier 2 (General) Certificates of Sponsorship
FOI/014172VAT and HMRC penalties
FOI/014173Contact details
FOI/014174Contracts register
FOI/014175Sustainability and Transformation Fund
FOI/014176Job roles
FOI/014177C-Reactive protein and Pathology services
FOI/014179Expenditure on gas & electricity
FOI/014180Data visualisation and Business Intelligence
FOI/014181Business Intelligence solutions and spend
FOI/014182Biologics & biosimilars
FOI/014183VTE & hip replacements
FOI/014185Braces & Orthognathic Surgery
FOI/014187Drugs disciplinary
FOI/014189Private healthcare/Foreign direct investment
FOI/014190Munchausen’s by Proxy
FOI/014192Domestic violence
FOI/014193Emergency re-admission rates
FOI/014197Psoriasis (Ps0) patients
FOI/014199A&E GP streaming service
FOI/014200Courses run by Common Purpose
FOI/014201Public Health funerals
FOI/014202Assest list
FOI/014203Mobile phones
FOI/014204Drug and alcohol admissions
FOI/014205Life support
FOI/014206PROMS score/private home care
FOI/014207IT Systems – EPR
FOI/014208Obesity costs
FOI/014210Nursing staff
FOI/0142126 in 1 vacxcine for babies
FOI/014214Emergency attendances
FOI/014215Safeguarding adults and childres
FOI/014217Maternity services
FOI/014218Trust training compliance data
FOI/014220Financial settlements
FOI/014221Trade Unions
FOI/014223Maternity unit closures
FOI/014225Sterile Services Dept
FOI/014227Vascular leads
FOI/014228Prostate cancer
FOI/014229Breast cancer
FOI/014230Consultancy services, deficit at year end
FOI/014231Bullying in the workplace
FOI/014232Disorders of sex development
FOI/014233Correspondence with tobacco companies
FOI/014234Upfront charges for overseas visitors
FOI/014235Job evaluation systems
FOI/014236Agency/bank staff
FOI/014239Paediatric allergy services
FOI/014239Joint hypermobility
FOI/014241E-mails, ransomware
FOI/014242Venous Thromboembolism
FOI/014243High energy drinks
FOI/014244TV, internet & phone charges
FOI/014245Digital Health
FOI/014247Renal Department
FOI/014248Spinal cord stimulation
FOI/014250Children with medical complexities
FOI/014251Crutches, walking frames, walking sticks
FOI/014252Agency spend
FOI/014253Telephone systems
FOI/014254Radiology service provision
FOI/014256Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
FOI/014257Disposal/recycling IT equipment
FOI/014258Transformation Team
FOI/014259Cancelled childrens operations
FOI/014260Modern slavery act
FOI/014261Long term stress leave
FOI/014262Drugs dispensed
FOI/014263Employees in the Trust
FOI/014264Patient Administration System
FOI/014266Macular degeneration (wAMD)
FOI/014267Alcohol team
FOI/014269Bacterial and viral infection
FOI/014270Bacterial infections
FOI/014274Heat stroke
FOI/014276Sanitary products
FOI/014279Theatre Management systems/inpatient activity
FOI/014280Foreign objects
FOI/014281Rotas/bed numbers/contracts
FOI/014283Agency staff
FOI/014289IT systems and expenditure
FOI/014290Under 18’s conception & births
FOI/014291Executive Board
FOI/014292Subject access requests
FOI/014293Exception reports
FOI/014294Cardiac MRI scans
FOI/014295Integration engine
FOI/014297Contact details
FOI/014300Contact details
FOI/014303Asthma patients
FOI/014304Sunstroke and sunburn
FOI/014305NHS Suppliers
FOI/014307Contact details
FOI/014309Continence and catheterisation
FOI/014310Angiography/ECG tests
FOI/014311A&E waiting times
FOI/014312Tests for infectious diseases
FOI/014313Job description
FOI/014314Death within 30 days of discharge
FOI/014315Burns / scalds
FOI/014316MRI Scans / obesity
FOI/014318Breast cancer
FOI/014319Homecare delivery service
FOi/014322Ankylossia (tingue tie)
FOI/014323Agency staff radiotherapy
FOI/014324Financial spend/IT
FOI/014325Immigration enforcement
FOI/014326Agency/internal bank staff
FOI/014327Patient letters
FOI/014328Mental Health Services
FOI/014329Improper use of messaging platforms
FOI/014331Correspondence relating to HIV/AIDS
FOI/014332MRI/MP scans
FOI/014333Psoriasis patients
FOI/014334IT systems
FOI/014338Bounty UK Ltd
FOI/014339Stroke care
FOI/014340Smoke free hospital
FOI/014341Neonatal ICU
FOI/014342Rota/rostering software
FOI/014344Agency staff
FOI/014346EU Nationals
FOI/014347IT/ICT systems and contracts
FOI/014348District nurses
FOI/014349Private patients
FOI/014350Overseas patients
FOI/014351Staff turnover, vacancies, time to recruit
FOI/014352Babies born to drug dependant mothers
FOI/014353Fracture survey
FOI/014354Hospital information
FOI/014356Smoking and vaping
FOI/014357Cancelled operations
FOI/014358Mobile phones
FOI/014359Bullying & harassment
FOI/014361IT systems
FOI/014362Agency spend for medical & dental
FOI/014363MP/MRI scans
FOI/014364Viscosupplementation injections/knee replacements
FOI/014365Non-small cell lung cancer
FOI/014366Hepatitis C
FOI/014367IT – 3rd party hosting
FOI/014368Digital maturity
FOI/014369Cancer services
FOi/014371Mortuary services
FOI/014373Agency & bank staff
FOI/014375Disclosure & Barring service
FOI/014376NHS Improvement
FOI/014377Hospital staff & agency staff
FOI/014380Multiple Sclerosis
FOI/014381IT software
FOI/014382A&E admissions
FOI/014383Smoking policy
FOI/014384Intra vitreal vials
FOI/014385IT systems
FOI/014386Car parking
FOI/014387Interpreting services
FOI/014388Patient accommodation
FOI/014389Dental x-ray provision
FOI/014391Online learning systems
FOI/014395Estates and facilities
FOI/014396VTE – Venous Thromboembolism
FOI/014397Headache/migrane clinic
FOI/014398Discharge checklists
FOI/014399Walking/mobility aids
FOI/014400Base of thumb arthritis
FOI/014401Hernia mesh implant devices
FOI/014402Agency staff
FOI/014403Suspended services
FOI/014404A&E admissions linked to Xanax
FOI/014405Motor Neurone Disease (MND)
FOI/014407Junior doctor training
FOI/014408Rough sleepers in A&E
FOI/014408Support for men with prostate cancer
FOI/014409Admitted patients, pressure ulcers, slide sheets
FOI/014410Septic arthritis
FOI/014411Agency staff
FOI/014412IT systems – windows 10
FOI/014413Tablets/solutions dispensed
FOI/014414Agency staff
FOI/014415Cyber security
FOI/014416Contact details
FOI/014417Salary scheme for employees
FOI/014419Sanitary products
FOI/014420Patient treatment/drugs
FOI/014421Non small cell lung cancer
FOI/014422Patient level drug dataset
FOI/014423Flexible endoscopes
FOI/014424IT systems
FOI/014426Cosmetic surgery
FOI/014427Adhesion barrier
FOI/014429Crutches and wheelchairs
FOI/014431Fax machines, courier service and health records
FOi/014432Payments by results
FOI/014434Accommodation for employees
FOI/014436Transplant operations
FOI/014437IT Systems
FOI/014439Directors expenses
FOI/014440Car park
FOI/014441Transformation plan
FOI/014442Hospitality register
FOI/014443Opel 4/black alert
FOI/014444Cancer drugs
FOI/014446Transgender patients
FOI/014448Orthoptic Department
FOI/014449Corbett Hospital
FOI/014450Contact details
FOI/014451Ursodeoxycholic Acid Capsules
FOI/014452Recruiting EU staff, medicines from EEA
FOI/014454Asset valuation services
FOI/014455Agency spend/recruitment
FOI/014459Do not resusitate (DNR)
FOI/014460Car parking
FOI/014461Deaths of Nursing staff
FOI/014463Ursodeoxycholic Acid
FOI/014464Medicines Management/prescribing
FOI/014465Locum AHP/HSS spend
FOI/014466OPCS code for delivery of Zoledronic acid
FOI/014467Flexible endoscope
FOI/014472Missed surgery/cancelled operations
FOI/014473orthoptic work experience
FOI/014475Agency staff
FOI/014476Endoscopy Department
FOI/014477Agency spend
FOI/014479International recruitment and agency spend
FOI/014481Blood grouping analyser
FOI/014482Stolen medical equipment
FOI/014483Delayed discharges
FOI/014484Pressure sores
FOI/014485Funded establishment for qualified nurses
FOI/014486Agency nurses
FOI/014487Facilities Management
FOI/014488Sanitary products
FOi/014491Rheumatoid arthritis
FOI/014492Endoscopy and gastroenterology
FOI/014493IT shadow or feral systems
FOI/014494A&E and patient software
FOI/014495Corbett Hospital
FOI/014497Compliance (DBS) and reference checks
FOI/014498Gifts, hospitality, sponsorship
FOI/014500Induction of labour
FOI/014501Mobile phones
FOI/014504Dental chairs
FOI/014505Job description
FOI/014506Stabbed in buttocks
FOI/014507A&E rota gaps and complaints
FOI/014510Visiting times
FOI/014513Clinical waste
FOI/014514Eating disorders
FOI/014515Staff assaults
FOI/014516Eating disorders
FOI/014517Operating theatres, endoscopy suites & sterile services
FOI/014518Acanthamoeba keratitis (AK)
FOI/014519Cost improvement plan
FOI/014520Non clinical incidents
FOI/014522Psoriatic arthritis
FOI/014523Autism waiting times
FOI/014524Therapies within maternity services
FOI/014525Information sharing arrangements
FOI/014526Group B Strep guideline
FOI/014528Hernia repair
FOI/014529Capital bids
FOI/014530Printing services
FOI/014531Out of hours services
FOI/014532Stockpiling medication
FOI/014533Flu jab
FOI/014534MARF referrals
FOI/014535Childbirth related perineal trauma (CRPT)
FOI/014536Adult hearing services
FOI/014537Overseas visitors
FOI/014538Wet age-related macular degeneration
FOI/014539Maternal deaths
FOI/014540DTOC and missed target fines
FOI/014541Cardiac physiology
FOI/014542Bullying/sexual harassment
FOI/014544Mortuary fridges
FOI/014546Staff councelling services
FOI/014547Serious incidents
FOI/014548Settled status application
FOI/014549Pelvic organ prolapse
FOI/014550Staff car park
FOI/014551Maternity/antenatal units
FOI/014552Infected blood inquiry
FOI/014554Digital discharge summaries
FOI/014555Agency nurse
FOI/014556Skin cancer multidisciplinary teams
FOI/014557Prescriptions for Ketamin & Fentanyl
FOI/014560Intra vitreat vials/implants
FOI/014561Genital operations
FOI/014562Spider bites
FOI/014563Pressure sores
FOI/014564Ultrasound guided procedures
FOI/014566IQ4U report
FOI/014567Hymenorrhaphy/hymen restoration operations
FOI/014568Workplace injuries, compensation claims
FOI/014569Health records
FOI/014570Agency spend & A&E Department
FOI/014571Off payroll from HRMC & status assessments
FOI/014573Grievances lodged by Trust staff
FOI/014574Consultant appointments
FOI/014575Multiple Sclerosis
FOI/014576Decontamination services
FOI/014577Sickle Cell and Thalassaemia patients
FOI/014580Trainee schedule/rota
FOI/014581Digital dictation
FOI/014586Adult emergency and elective inpatient episodes, delayed discharges
FOI/014588Laparoscopic equipment
FOI/014591Employees & volunteers under the age of 18
FOI/014592Cemented hip hemi arthroplasties
FOI/014593IT systems – licences
FOI/014595Lease cars
FOI/014596IT systems EPR, PAS and EPMA
FOI/014597Vacancies/cancelled operations
FOI/014599Locum/agency staff
FOI/014600No fixed abode
FOI/014601Implant based reconstruction
FOI/014603Clinical documents
FOI/014607Secretarial support
FOI/014609Procurement metrics
FOI/014610Freedom to Speak Up Guardian
FOI/014611Pension contributions
FOI/014612Data breaches
FOI/014613No fixed address
FOI/014614Sexual harassment
FOI/014615End of Life Care
FOI/014616Knife & gun injuries
FOI/014617Agenda for Change
FOI/014618Insourcing of clinical services
FOI/014619EU/International doctors and nurses
FOI/014623Smoking cessation
FOI/014624Financial penalties
FOI/014625IT systems – document management
FOI/014626Debt collection firms used to recoup money from overseas patients
FOI/014627Thefts from patients
FOI/014628Mental Health Act
FOI/014629Council of Governors meeting
FOI/014630Overseas visitors/staff
FOI/014631Pathology – LIMS & digital pathology
FOI/014632Trust performance & compliance with GDPR requests
FOI/014633Exception reports
FOI/014634Sick leave/staff committing crimes
FOI/014636Electric items reported missing
FOI/014637Paediatric allergy services
FOI/014638Point of care
FOI/014639Aseptic technique
FOI/014640Compression hosiery
FOI/014641Disposable nappies
FOI/014648Synacthen injections
FOI/014649Staff numbers
FOI/014650Nitrites in meals
FOI/014652Overseas visitors
FOI/014653Contact details
FOI/014654Deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism
FOI/014656Contact details
FOI/014657Negligence claims
FOI/014658Bowel preparations/colonoscopies
FOI/014660HMRC – Direct engagement firm
FOI/014661Anaesthetic agents
FOI/014662Knife crime
FOI/014663Sexual misconduct
FOI/014664Botched breast operations
FOI/014666Overseas patients
FOI/014667Medicines shortages
FOI/014668Physiotherapists and Counsellors
FOI/014669Negligence claims
FOI/014670Agency staff in A&E
FOI/014671A&E shifts unfilled, complaints made by Doctors
FOI/014672Contact details
FOI/014674Euthanasia/assisted dying
FOI/014678personal health record/PHR/shared record/patient portal
FOI/014679Bowel cancer safety alerts
FOI/014681Infant formula milk
FOI/014682Managed print service
FOI/014684Digitised patient records
FOI/014685ECG monitoring
FOI/014688Retinopathy of prematurity
FOI/014689Computer Assisted Facilities Management system
FOI/014691Agency and bank midwives
FOI/014692Breast implants
FOI/014693Diagnostic tests
FOI/014694ENT procedures
FOI/014695Freedom of Information requests
FOI/014696Losses and special payments
FOI/014697Mental Health and wellbeing
FOI/014699Remote patient monitoring system
FOI/014702Junior Doctors wellbeing
FOI/014703Patients discharged between 11pm and 6am
FOI/014704Patient falls
FOI/014706Orthotic services and products
FOI/014707Knife injuries
FOI/014707Corbett Hospital land
FOI/014709Staff bank
FOI/014710Private health insurance
FOI/014711Violence and abuse against NHS staff
FOI/014712Deaths of patients with a learning disability and
FOI/014713CHS Healthcare
FOI/014714Up front charges for treatment
FOI/014715Staff assaults
FOI/014717Body armour
FOI/014719Palliative care
FOI/014722Rubber band ligation & implantation of neurostimulator
FOI/014723Locum/agency staff
FOI/014724Vyxeos to treat patients
FOI/014725Infant deaths/maternity services
FOI/014727Electronic medical record
FOI/014728Clinical waste
FOI/014729Allegations against staff members
FOI/014732Radiology & MRI
FOI/014733Polymer clips and disposable automatic clip appliers
FOI/014734Outpatient hysteroscopy/biopsy
FOI/014735IT budget
FOI/014738Troponin Assay
FOI/014739Clinical service incidents caused by estates and infrastructure failure
FOI/014741Surgical robots
FOI/014742Pest control
FOI/014743Hand drying
FOI/014744Dialysis services
FOI/014745Translating and interpreting
FOI/014746Agency spend for Occupational Therapists & Physiotherapists
FOI/014747No-Deal Brexit impact assessments
FOI/014748Prolia treatments
FOI/014749Drug resistant infections
FOI/014750VAT services
FOI/014751Spend on named organisations
FOI/014752Mental Health Services – CAMHS
FOI/014754Screening for Downs Syndrome
FOI/014755Gas appliances
FOI/014756Laparoscopic suction irrigation devices
FOI/014757Rostering software
FOI/014758Sexual health testing kits
FOI/014759Candida Auris
FOI/014764Non disclosure agreements
FOI/014766Cognitive Behavioural Therapy
FOI/014767Adult Community Nursing
FOI/014769Parking for motorcycles
FOI/014770Independant review
FOI/014771Paediatric audiology
FOI/014773Contract information for construction/maintenance
FOI/014775Overseas patient upfront tariff
FOI/014776Fat shaming
FOI/014777Pharmacy stock items expired
FOI/014779MRI & CT Scanners
FOI/014781Worster Drought Syndrome
FOI/014784Flexible working
FOI/014785Adult neuro-rehabilitation
FOI/014786Peripheral IV Cannulas
FOI/014787Contact details
FOI/014788Unlicensed systemic anticancer therapy (SCAT)
FOI/014789Training compliance
FOI/014791Home births
FOI/014792Coal for fuel
FOI/014794Spend against suppliers
FOI/014795CT & Dexa Provision
FOI/014796Armed Forces Veterans
FOI/014798Missing patient records
FOI/014799Non training middle grades in obstetric unit
FOI/014800Interpreting services
FOI/014800Interpreting services
FOI/014801Intravenous anaesthetic agent – Propofol
FOI/014802Furniture, fittings and equipment
FOI/014803Neck of femur fractures (NOACs)
FOI/014804Axial Spondyloarthritis Services
FOI/014805Bone grafts/ophthalmology/Viscosupplementation
FOI/014807Glyphosate weedkiller
FOI/014808Agency staff
FOI/014810Translators and Interpreters
FOI/014811Capsticks report
FOI/014812Cleaning methods
FOI/014813Agency spend and vacancies
FOI/014814Agency spend
FOI/014815Digital pathology systems
FOI/014817IT Infastructure
FOI/014818Non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
FOI/014819Car parking
FOI/014820Agency and bank spend on admin and clerical staff
FOI/014822Drug treatments
FOI/014823Corbett Hospital
FOI/014824Hymen reconstruction services
FOI/014825Surgical mesh
FOI/014826GP streaming in A&E departments
FOI/014827Patients treated with Aimovig (Erenumab)
FOI/014828International recruitment budget
FOI/014829Biologics and Biosimilar prescribing
FOI/014830Smoking services
FOI/014831Ad hoc pension recycling arrangements
FOI/014832Operating budget
FOI/014833Outpatient appointment cancellations
FOI/014834Acute stroke units
FOI/014835Number of Downs (Trisomy 21) patients
FOI/014837TAVI procedures/cardiac catheter laboratories
FOI/014838Cremation forms
FOI/014839Counter fraud staff
FOI/014841Incident and mortality rates for bowel ischemia
FOI/014842Contracts register
FOI/014844Cancer protocol
FOI/014845Security Management within the Trust
FOI/014846Cardia catheter laboratories
FOI/014848Adult eating disorders
FOI/014849Hyperkalaemia patient safety alert
FOI/014850Out of hours provisions
FOI/014852Web filtering solution
FOI/014853Social media policy
FOI/014854Birth tourism
FOI/014855Food quality/number of Listeriosis cases
FOI/014858Group B Strep guidelines
FOI/014859Contact details
FOI/014860Medication for prisoners
FOI/014861Overseas visitors
FOI/014862End of life care plan
FOI/014863Orthoptic screening of 4 to 5 year olds at school entry
FOI/014864Multiple myeloma and other cancers
FOI/014866Coronary CT Angiography scans
FOI/014867Staff Bank
FOI/014868Paid suspension
FOI/014869Locum/agency staff
FOI/014870Average length of stay for male patients
FOI/014872Catering services
FOI/014875Specialist stroke unit
FOI/014880Bariatric equipment
FOI/014881Electronic prescribing system
FOI/014882Pathology Department
FOI/014883Closed to new admissions
FOI/014885Community equipment
FOI/014886Primary care/missed outpatient appointments
FOI/014888Patient records
FOI/014889Salary sacrifice scheme
FOI/014890Agency usage
FOI/014892Radiology & ultrasound permanent and agency staff
FOI/014893Intelligent Automation (IA) – RPA (Robotic Process Automation)
FOI/014894Estates structure
FOI/014895Food poisoning
FOI/014897Agency and bank staff
FOI/014898New Nicotine Alliance UK
FOI/014899Overseas visitors
FOI/014900Audio recordings of appointments
FOI/014901Overseas visitors
FOI/014902Outsourcing of diagnostic imaging
FOI/014903No fixed abode
FOI/014904CQC inspections
FOI/014905Retail shops, patient feeding
FOI/014907Car parking
FOI/014909Communications Dept, Hand hygiene, staff turnover
FOI/014911Catering services
FOI/014912Kawasaki Disease
FOI/014914Subject access requests
FOI/014915Overseas visitors
FOI/014916Procurement system
FOI/014917Children who stammer
FOI/014919Racist incidents
FOI/014921Pessary management
FOI/014925Induction of labour
FOI/014926Benchmarking tools
FOI/014928IT/ICT Strategy
FOI/014929Screen positive result for Down syndrome
FOI/014930No fixed abode
FOI/014931OCD Action/CAMHS
FOI/014932Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma
FOI/014933NHS charges for expat Brits
FOI/014934Information sharing with the Home Office
FOI/014935Electronic Patient Record
FOI/014936IT clinical systems
FOI/014937IT – Order comminication systems
FOI/014938Breast cancer
FOI/014940Pressure care
FOI/014941Specialist Skin Cancer Multidisciplinary Team
FOI/014942Post mortems
FOI/014946Pre-filled syringes
FOI/014947Stem Cell
FOI/014950IT systems/pathology
FOI/014951Homozygous Familial Hypercholesterolaemia (HoFH)
FOI/014952Audio Visual (AV) and Video Conferencing (VC)
FOI/014954proposed ‘forced’ a) contraception b) sterilisation c) abortion
FOI/014955Improper/illegal or inappropriate use of patient records
FOI/014959Risk and assurance
FOI/014961Contact details
FOI/014962Adult diabetes
FOI/014963Operating theatres
FOI/014964Therapy services
Foi/014966Histology, radiology and pathology
FOI/014967Agency staff
FOI/014968Estates and facilities structure
FOI/014971Cancelled operations
FOI/014972Search firm used for recruitment
FOI/014974Discharge letters
FOI/014976Vaginal mesh
FOI/014977Training for overseas visitor managers and staff
FOI/014978Private patients
FOI/014980Health Records Digitisation
FOI/014981Disciplinary procedures for doctors
FOI/014982Four Eyes Consultancy
FOI/014983Trust valuers/MEA model
FOI/014984MRI scans for prostate cancer
FOI/014986Intravenous voriconazole injection
FOI/014986Agency nursing shifts
FOI/014987International recruitment
FOI/014988Private Finance Initiative
FOI/014989Nursing vacancies
FOI/014994External consultants
FOI/014995Agency staff, highest spend on a shift
FOI/014996Pension tax relief
FOI/014997Maternity red and green book
FOI/014999Appointment reminder/staff bank
FOI/015003Induction of labour
FOI/015004Clinical coding
FOI/015005Freedom of Information request policy
FOI/015006Blood patch procedures
FOI/015007Longest and average waiting times
FOI/015008Exception reports
FOI/015012Cancer treatments
FOI/015018IT and telephone systems
FOI/015027Recruitment of international staff/Head & Neck + Colorectal Cancers
FOI/015029PCS2 Plasma, dementia diagnosis, violent incidents against staff
FOI/015035IT systems
FOI/015044IT systems – electronic patient record
FOI/015046Da Vinci robot
FOI/015048IT systems
FOI/015051IT – equipment disposal
FOI/015052Breast cancer
FOI/015056Dietitians providing services to cancer patients
FOI/015057Paging solutions
FOI/015059Agency and bank staff
FOI/015062IT – Windows 7
FOI/015063Mental Health
FOI/015064Devices from Haemonetics
FOI/015077Mental Health
FOI/015079Public Health Funerals
FOI/015083Biologics – Inflammatory Bowel Disease
FOI/015084IT Systems, digital maturity, EPR, PAS
FOI/015089Cancer nurses
FOI/015091IT – Clinical decision support systems
FOI/015101Staff bank and agency staff
FOI/015102Stress, anxiety, depression
FOI/015112Anticoagulant Services
FOI/015113IT – Systems and computers
FOI/015124IT – scheduling/rota system
FOI/015125HM Revenue and Customs
FOI/015127Clinical systems
FOI/015129Biologics and Biosimilar prescribing in Rheumatology
FOI/015130Contracts LAN, WAN, telephone
FOI/015131Carbon footprint
FOI/015134Facilities Management
FOI/015140Immigration health surcharge
FOI/015150Biologics for Crohn’s Disease and Ulcerative Colitis
FOI/015155Rostering solution
FOI/015157Windows 7 & 10
FOI/015159Agency spend and direct engagement
FOI/015164Biologics for dermatology
FOI/015166DPO/IG job roles
FOI/015177Electronic Document Management System
FOI/015179Iron infusions
FOI/015182Agency and staff costs
FOI/015184Cancer patients referred to mental health services
FOI/015187Data sharing
FOI/015188IT – Data analytics technology
FOI/015189IT – Data integration and data analytics technology
FOI/015192Mobile C Arm medical imaging equipment
FOI/015198Overseas visitor manager
FOI/015207Translation services
FOI/015212Agency spend
FOI/015213Cancer drug
FOI/015214IT – Information Technology
FOI/015215Booking, paging, staff bank, e-rostering and telecoms
FOI/015217IT – Messaging Apps
FOI/015226IT – software and systems
FOI/015235Ovarian cancer
FOI/015268Head and neck cancer
FOI/015270IT systems
FOI/015272BAME risk assessment
FOI/015278FIT testing for face masks
FOI/015286Patient’s discharged to care homes who were COVID tested.
FOI/015290Sterile Services and Endoscopy Facilities
FOI/015292BAME – covid risk
FOI/015295Patients discharged to care homes/Covid testing
FOI/015296Covid – care homes
FOI/015297Antibody tests and deaths due to COVID
FOi/015300Agency and bank staff
FOI/015303Atopic Dermatitis
FOI/015304IT – Application/Software Development, Websites (covid)
FOI/015307Intranet solution
FOI/015308Covid – face masks
FOI/015311Covid – West Midlands Private Hospital
FOI/015312Sustainability or sustainable development strategy
FOI/015313Atopic Dermatitis
FOI/015315IT Systems and staff
FOI/015316IT Systems
FOI/015320Agency/bank spend
FOI/015325Retired Health Practitioners returned to work
FOI/015340Order sets and care plans
FOI/015345IT – ICT/IM&T/IS Strategy and IT Structure
FOI/015349Staff and Agency spend and hours
FOI/015351Winter pressures travel arrangements (COVID)
FOI/015353Agency/temporary staff
FOI/015356Overseas visitors
FOI/015357Laboratory Information System and Oncology Information System
FOI/015359Translation/interpretation services
FOI/015362Disciplinary processes/Fitness to practise referrals
FOI/015365IT – Hosting
FOI/015366COVID tests
FOI/015367IT Systems
FOI/015375Hospital Departments
FOI/015384Mobile phones
FOI/015400Prostate cancer
FOI/015411Ultrasound devices
FOI/015412Lung cancer
FOI/015420Prostate cancer
FOI/015425Overseas staff
FOI/015426Agency spend
FOI/015427Bank Workforce & VMS Arrangements
FOI/015429Tier 3 Weight Management
FOI/015432IT Systems
FOI/015433Head, neck and renal cancer
FOI/015441Rostering information
FOI/015443Relocation assistance, ward information
FOI/015446Specialist Skin Cancer Multidisciplinary Team (SSMDT)
FOI/015448IT systems
FOI/015453Mental Health Support
FOI/015461IT – N365
FOI/015462Patient transport, contact details
FOI/015466IT – Cyber attacks
FOI/015472Ovarian and prostate cancer
FOI/015484Hospital acquired COVID
FOI/015485Vehicle Fleet
FOI/015489IT Systems
FOI/015495Agency and bank spend
FOI/015497COVID deaths
FOI/015498Do Not Attempt Resuscitation (DNAR)
FOI/015499Risk Management System
FOI/015503Agency nurses
FOI/015507Covid deaths
FOI/015508IT Systems
FOI/015509Covid and flu
FOI/015512IT – Electronic Document Management System
FOI/015514Covid deaths
FOI/015515MRI & CT scanners
FOI/015526IT Systems
FOI/015526IT Systems
FOI/015527Translation/interpreting services
FOI/015533Assaults against NHS staff
FOI/015540IT Systems
FOI/015554Domestic abuse
FOI/015555Fax machines and operating systems
FOI/015557Covid vaccine
FOI/015562On line clinics/video consultations
FOI/015576Climate change/green strategy
FOI/015583Nursing Agency Shifts
FOI/015585Presented to A&E due to mental health related issues
FOI/015591Pregnant women treated for covid
FOI/015592Agency nurses
FOI/015599Covid vaccine
FOI/015600Agency nurses
FOI/015604Needlestick injuries / subcutaneous (SC) infusion procedures
FOI/015615Outbound Patient Correspondence & Communications
FOI/015616Long covid clinics
FOI/015617MRI scans and requests
FOI/015619NMNC agency spend
FOI/015622IT Equipment
FOI/015625Medical Agency Cascade
FOI/015650Staff salaries and agency expenditure
FOI/015656IT Systems – Firewall, Antivirus, and Enterprise Agreement
FOI/015663Patients removed from waiting list
FOI/015668Eating disorders
FOI/015669Agency staff
FOI/015670Gender recognition certificate
FOI/015671Long covid clinics
FOI/015672Agency staff
FOI/015673Outsourced Radiology Reporting Services
FOI/015673Outsourced Radiology Reporting Services
FOI/015675Locked rehabilitation
FOI/015676Cancer treatments
FOI/015679ICU protocols
FOI/015680Ethics committee
FOI/015682Trust employees, covid
FOI/015683IT asset disposal process
FOI/015685Darktrace Cyber Security
FOI/015687Audit necrotising fasciitis patients
FOI/015687Digital Innovation Programmes
FOI/015688Maternity services
FOI/015690Neurology treatments (biologics)
FOI/015691Sexual Orientation Information standard
FOI/015693Surgeons dismissed/disciplined
FOI/015694Surgeons, serious incidents, re-validation
FOI/015696Fraud or scam
FOI/015697Referral to treatment
FOI/015700MRI/CT Scanners
FOI/015701Agency staff
FOI/015705IT – E-observation system, pagers, remote monitoring
FOI/015706Paediatric Audiology
FOI/015707Hospital-acquired covid infections/ deaths
FOI/015710Robotic Process Automation
FOI/015713Manual handling injuries, replacement trolley’s, pt falls
FOI/015715Flexible endoscope
FOI/015717Mental health/wellbeing
FOI/015718Fracture liaison service
FOI/015719Agency staff
FOI/015720Covid vaccine
FOI/015721Mobile phone and broadband
FOI/015722IT systems
FOI/015727Long covid clinics
FOI/015728ADHD Diagnosis
FOI/015733IT Systems
FOI/015734Bone Morphogenetic Protein
FOI/015735Breast cancer
FOI/015736International recruitment
FOI/015737Blood pressure cuffs/monitors
FOI/015739Security staff
FOI/015740Agency staff
FOI/015742Thromboembolic events
FOI/015744Non small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
FOI/015745Defibrotide for the treatment of Hepatic Veno occlusive Disease
FOI/015747Patient admittances and deaths
FOI/015750Polymerase Chain Reaction test (PCR)
FOI/015751Cycles of a PCR test
FOI/015754A&E and RTT waits
FOI/015756Mental Health
FOI/015757Contact details
FOI/015763Melanoma and renal cell carcinoma
FOI/015764Permanent vacancies filled by agencies
FOI/015764Permanent vacancies filled by agencies
FOI/015766Radiology/CT equipment
FOI/015768Scheduling / rota software, E-Rostering
FOI/015770Artificial Intelligence (A.I)
FOI/015772Agency and bank staff
FOI/015774Assaults on staff
FOI/015776Digital Dictation / Voice Recognition System
FOI/015780Cancelled out patient appointments due to covid
FOI/015785Agency staff, off framework agencies
FOI/015799Vulnerable adults
FOI/015803Interpreting Services
FOI/015807Insourcing clinical services
FOI/015809IT Systems & solutions
FOI/015810Long covid clinic
FOI/015816Surrogacy guidelines
FOI/015821Registered audits/QIP/research projects environmental/sustainability
FOI/015827Agency staff
FOI/015828Covid-19 Vaccines
FOI/015830Prosthetics & Orthotics
FOI/015831IT – electronic signing, paper, remote working
FOI/015831IT systems and signing tools
FOI/015843Surrogacy policy
FOI/015845Blood disorders
FOI/015846RICOH printer
FOI/015849Waste disposal
FOI/015853NHS Accessible Information Standard
FOI/015854Orthotics and Prosthetics
FOI/015856RIDDOR Reporting of COVID-19
FOI/015864Breast cancer
FOI/015868Bariatric equipment
FOI/015871Electronic prescribing and medicines administration system (ePMA)
FOI/015871IT Systems
FOI/015898Private and Overseas Healthcare Information
FOI/015900Robots in surgery
FOI/015903Gamma cameras and SPECT-CT systems
FOI/015908Cancer treatment (lung)
FOI/015909Theatre Management System
FOI/015913Contact Centre/Call Centre Contracts
FOI/015915Maternity services
FOI/015919Rota and rostering supplier
FOI/015925OPEL level 3 & 4
FOI/015939Covid vaccinations
FOI/015940Trans-vaginal ultrasound
FOI/015959Sexual assault
FOI/015960Staff with long covid
FOI/015963Energy tariff
FOI/015966Skin grafts, replica 3D printing
FOI/015967Telephone system, contact centre
FOI/015968IT security strategy
FOI/015970Staff NOT yet fully vaccinated against covid
FOI/015973Covid vaccinations
FOI/015974Electronic Health Record
FOI/015975Electronic Health Records (EHR)
FOI/015977IT Systems Electronic Health Record/digital sepsis alert
FOI/015980Vehicle fleet
FOI/015981Courier firms
FOI/015985Complaints on covid restrictions
FOI/015987Appointment letters/post
FOI/015990Postal & print services
FOI/015993Agency staff
FOI/015997Sexual harassement
FOI/015998Covid admissions & vaccination status
FOI/015999Prehabilitation programme
FOI/016000IT systems
FOI/016001Ectopic pregnancies
FOI/016002Greener NHS, carbon footprint
FOI/016003– Sexual harassment and misconduct in the workplace
FOI/016004Human/breast milk
FOI/016006Intraocular lenses (IOLs)
FOI/016007IT patient portals
FOI/016011MRI services
FOI/016014Paediatric antibiotic guideline
FOI/016015ICU beds and covid patients
FOI/016016Cancer referrals
FOI/016019Cisco equipment
FOI/016022Rainbow crossings
FOI/016024Adult Mental Health Thematic Group
FOI/016026Assault data
FOI/016029ENT staffing
FOI/016030Renal units
FOI/016031Overseas visitors
FOI/016033Dermatology drugs
FOI/016035Bereavement booklets
FOI/016038IT systems
FOI/016039Agency spend
FOI/016042IT Systems
FOI/016044Tier 4 weight management
FOI/016052Agency staff
FOI/016059Covid vaccination pharmacists
FOI/016064Agency staff
FOI/016065Transport, courier, taxi services
FOI/016067Energy/green plan
FOI/016073Third party private patients
FOI/016074IT systems
FOI/016076Renal cell carcinoma / drugs
FOI/016077Agency/master vendor
FOI/016079Drugs/biologics, migraine
FOI/016081Job planning software
FOI/016082Lung cancer
FOI/016084Breast cancer
FOI/016085Agency staff
FOI/016089Telephone services
FOI/016091Patient falls and patients absconding
FOI/016092Finance contracts
FOI/016093Emergency Department waiting times
FOI/016094Complaints regarding the clinical treatments in obstetrics and gynaecology
FOI/016095Agency staff
FOI/016096Audited accounts
FOI/016097Imaging & printing
FOI/016098Temporary pod/side rooms as part of your IPC measures
FOI/016099New diagnoses
FOI/016100Contact centre/call centre contracts, network services
FOI/016101Board members
FOI/016102Sexual offences
FOI/016103Sexual assault
FOI/016104LGBTQ+ policies
FOI/016107Breast cancer
FOI/016111Abuse against staff
FOI/016113Cardiac MRI software
FOI/016117Dermatology (biologics)
FOI/016123Immunoglobulin treatments (biologics)’
FOI/016124Each baby counts
FOI/016125Automatic doors
FOI/016129Rostering & job planning
FOI/016130Environmental and sustainability policy
FOI/016133Waiting times
FOI/016136Period policy
FOI/016137Covid recovery app
FOI/016138Mental Health and Learning Disabilities
FOI/016139Cataract surgery
FOI/016141ECG machines
FOI/016142IT Systems, intranet
FOI/016143Private healthcare insurance
FOI/016144Finance software
FOI/016147Gender neutral toilets
FOI/016149Dietician support
FOI/016151Covid guidelines
FOI/016152Cell salvage
FOI/016157Breast cancer
FOI/016158Workforce Race Equality Standard (WRES) Reports
FOI/016161Rostering software
FOI/016172Radiology reporting
FOI/016173Agency staff
FOI/016179Breast, Colorectal Head and Neck and Oesophageal cancer
FOI/016186Equality, Diversity and Inclusion team
FOI/016190Learning Disability Nurses
FOI/016200Clinical trials/open studies
FOI/016201Non-disclosure agreements (NDAs)
FOI/016207Post/patient letters
FOI/016210Virtual wards
FOI/016215IT – Digital patient communication
FOI/016220Decontamination Lead(s)
FOI/016234Emergency Preparedness
FOI/016235IT Systems
FOI/016257X ray requests and interpretation of nasogastric tube placement.
FOI/016260Tongue tie
FOI/016265IT Systems
FOI/016274IT data storage
FOI/016279Radiology & histology
FOI/016288IT Systems
FOI/016289Staff networks
FOI/016292Doctors Mess
FOI/016295Overseas recruitment
FOI/016307Emergency preparedness (EPRR)
FOI/016309Finance Structure
FOI/016339Imaging and MRI
FOI/016344Off framework agencies
FOI/016353Job roles that address issues of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI)
FOI/016364Radiology Department agency use
FOI/016376Mobile phones
FOI/016377Drugs and patients treated
FOI/016386Emergency preparedness
FOI/016389IT Systems
FOI/016393Printed Stationery and Managed Service
FOI/016394Radiology, emergency admissions, A.I
FOI/016397Off framework agencies
FOI/016400IT Structure
FOI/016403Insourcing and outsourcing
FOI/016403Insourcing and outsourcing
FOI/016408IT Service Management Software
FOI/016410Prosthetic and orthotic services
FOI/016418Cardiac devices
FOI/016419Agency and Bank staff
FOI/016431Structural maintenance issues
FOI/016432Radiology Diagnostic and Interventional Imaging equipment
FOI/016433Redundant IT equipment
FOI/016434Structural maintenance issues
FOI/016442Long covid
FOI/016446International recruitment
FOI/016448IT Systems, LAN, WiFi
FOI/016476Overseas recruitment
FOI/016484Agency staff
FOI/016485Agency staff
FOI/016493Agency staff
FOI/016494Outsourced teleradiology reporting
FOI/016496Telephones, mobile phones, video conferencing
FOI/016521IT Systems
FOI/016524IT ICT Contract
FOI/016528Caesarean sections
FOI/016537Long covid
FOI/016538IT Systems
FOI/016543Car parks
FOI/016544Video solutions
FOI/016553Android devices
FOI/016554Radiology/imaging reporting
FOI/017586Agency staff
FOI/017594IT – Cyber security
FOI/017600Tier 3 weight management service
FOI/017612Number of patients to die in A&E
FOI/017614Mobile phones
FOI/017615IT Systems – LAN & WAN services
FOI/017616Contact Centre, CRM, and AI & Automation
FOI/017620IT Systems
FOI/017621IT Systems, – Digital Dictation, Voice Recognition, and medical transcription suppliers
FOI/017622Agency staff
FOI/017625Bone density scans (DXA)
FOI/017626Off framework agency
FOI/017628Off Framework Agency
FOI/017648External consultancy
FOI/017653Additional duty hours payments to consultants
FOI/017664IT Systems
FOI/017675Thornbury Nursing Services
FOI/017678Scanning records
FOI/017681Surgical Video Recording
FOI/017686Menopause clinics
FOI/017688Thornbury Nursing Services
FOI/017695– IT Data Privacy Compliance Tools
FOI/017696Agency staff
FOI/017700Agency staff
FOI/017704Virtual wards
FOI/017710Patient Level Costing system, Integrated Data Platform
FOI/017720Off framework agencies
FOI/017731Agency staff
FOI/017733IT Systems
FOI/062023/000101Maternity – stillbirths
FOI012668Contact details – estates
FOI012958Junior Doctors Contract
FOI014390Lip augmentation
FOI015678Losses and special payments
Trust response to NICE Quality Standard 204 on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum DisorderFOI-022024-000665